I was thinking of this kind of special fate that I got because of my affiliation to my religion, I am a member of #MCGI.org as well as my other brother (Not the eldest) and he was the one that helped me financially with my dialysis sessions right from the start.
Growing-up me and that brother of mine does not do the same outdoor activity although I am just a spectator to my eldest brother when he goes fishing in the waterway, in the river, catching edible frogs, that gambling game that our friends invented (rolling coins by striking it to a common wall and who's coin would get the farthest from that wall will get the first chance to tag the nearest coin, if one does it then he will take that coin) and yes it was fun even to even watch it like I did.
My eldest brother did a lot of Kite flying, he builds his Kite I just watched, he made some condensed milk candies I sold some of it, he joined the village basketball tournament I also went to the games just to watch as well. He played text cards I also watched him did it though I played those too as it is easy to play with friends.
During the season of playing tops, well I also played that too and the season ends in this game where if you got tagged-out your top will get chopped by machete, and yes it was fun too.
I mean me and my eldest brother was always the ones together with fun and games while this other brother of mine is not really although we have the same interests about some things like cartoon shows and things like that.
But come on the crucial days that I needed help that will mean my life my eldest brother could not be relied upon. In fact he has a little grudge on me because I always get the attention of my mother because of my situation, he had gotten a bit jealous of me considering that I am in a very bad situation and was dragging the family down.
One instance that surprised me when my mother was telling about thinking in selling some items in the house so that it can be used to pay for my dialysis, my eldest brother suddenly exploded with emotions, angry and I don't know how to explain it and then telling my mother why I was the only one that my mother thinking about.
Mother replied to him crying "of course your brother is sick he needs attention" something like that. So from that point I know that my eldest brother could not really understand what I am going through and that I will not rely on him about some things in my life. But I totally I understand him because I was born weak among my siblings which is why my mother pays more attention to me which robbed attention to my other siblings.
Apparently my other siblings knows that and understands the situation but unfortunately my eldest couldn't.
Now my other brother and I really wasn't that close really, he could have been like my eldest but since I and him belong to the same religion, that was the crucial factor that made me survive being a dialysis patient right from the start.
He was the main reason that I was able to pay for my dialysis during the times that I was not using a health insurance, we have no clue about it, my parents have no insurance so payments are from out of pocket. My brother would take loans and that will be the money I will use for paying my sessions.
There was a time that my dialysis machine broke and in order to fix that my brother have to pay for the spare parts (I was already being dialyzed for free at that time from our church's clinic). He was also the one that paid for my A/V fistula repair and re-creation when it had a problem then he continued to give me allowance until now although I give it to my mother which is also used to pay for my hospital bills.
My point is that had it not been for my religion my brother would have treated me differently. So I thank God that he gave me the best brother one could have which is why It is one of the main reasons that I am still around.
He planned for my Kidney transplant too but knowing that he is the only one helping me out acting as the eldest he realized that it will be a great burden for him to pursue. All his plans was about me at first and postponed in raising a family of his own first so because of that he married a little late until and by the time it happened I am already able to help myself thanks be to God and his unspeakable works.
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