Just imagine having a constant pain in your joints and backbone for so many years. But now I had a great improvement thanks to a crucial factor that I undertake and it worked for me. I am talking about a simple vitamin that improved my well-being.
That vitamin in-fact is just Vitamin K2, I don't know but about after a few weeks of taking it along with my Calcium and vitamin D3 my pain in my arms and backbone quite had improved a lot.
It is more better than just taking Cinacalcet because Cinacalcet only lessens the output of parathyroid hormones that is causing the bones to leach-out Calcium and if that happens the pain does get worse to the point that a simple body move can be excruciating.
Then there is this lingering pain in the back where the curvature of it happens. Now that is not as noticeable unlike before and it is just amazing how wonderful Vitamin D3 worked for me.
It is because Calcium and vitamin D3 alone didn't improve my joint and overall pain but with my use of Vitamin K2 it somewhat cured me although not completely and certainly will not revert back my former appearance but at least i know that my bones are indeed not leaching anymore that causes and caused so much misery in my life.
It is just maybe I have God in my life and that I am a strong-willed person, never giving-up and taking challenges because I just have to as those kinds of giving-up is not feasible for me. I cannot take my own life nor stop cold turkey in having to regularly go for my dialysis because I am just afraid to also die a lingering death.
I still have to see what the future holds for me, to appearance, to my current bone issues, and how my body will respond to this kind of Vitamin therapy which in-fact is better than medicating myself with an expensive medicine that in turn ruined on how I eat my meals until now.
This fight of mine has been a life-long fight, I've been ill all my entire life, most of it spent in trying to wait for a bus that seems to never come. But I am already in this situation so I will just have to trust God and do the necessary things for me to be able to improve my well-being and enjoy a lesser painful days of my life.
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Healing is long , that journey only the ones who experience it to an extreme can understand ... i found that how personal it is , even though i did and do help a lot of people but each person is unique and we can only guide a little .
If you have any questions on plants or nutruition you can contact me in DM .
I am a Naturopath .
It is going to cost you a lot ! 😛
Vitamin K2 did the trick @opidia. My joints only hurt because Calcium is leached out from them due to a hyperactive Parathyroid gland.
I guess that Vitamin K2 allowed to make Calcium to get absorbed to the bones which defeats the leaching process and thereby improving my joint pain in just after a week of taking along with Calcium tablets and vitamin D3.
So I am thankful that I had an improvement otherwise I will continue to be in misery as even clenching my fist had gotten painful already.
Yoga has a hundred different ways it can help. But you have to be determined to try and unlock it's potential. I was bedridden and paralyzed for several years and have reworked MANY different issues into a more pain free life.
Highest regards for the net work!

Yeah the thing is that I still have to be careful with my movements because my bones is as brittle a s a wafer which explains my back and neck bone curvature.
all in the breathing... it's the smallest of movements that that brings the mountain to you.

High regards for the long journey... it's great work,
not a great race.
It's one hell of a journey Sir.
Good news!! I'm very happy you suffer a bit less.
Yes thanks be to God and the people that cared and still cares for me like you I am so happy. This is at this moment the closest that I got into a breakthrough from suffering @owasco I thought that it will never resolve.
It is just amazing that a little adjustment had made a lot of difference about my well-being. I thank you always.