Minecraft slenderman

in r2cornell •  9 months ago 


Praticularmente nunca he jugado este videojuego, pero si tengo una idea de que se trata ya que muchos en la comunidad gamer le tienen cariño, y no puedo negar que estos cosplayers hicieron un gran trabajo, la verdad es que incluso tuvieron mas popularidad que otros personas de la culturar pop, como lo serian star wars o marvel, creo que tienen un gran futuro por delante en especial por que era su primera ves en una convencion.

Praticularly I have never played this video game, but I have an idea of what it is about because many in the gamer community are fond of it, and I can not deny that these cosplayers did a great job, the truth is that they even had more popularity than other people of pop culture, such as star wars or marvel, I think they have a great future ahead especially because it was his first time at a convention.

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