Ice decentralised platform..

in r2cornell •  last year 

Ice decentralised platform was working fine from the starting. It was like pi network a mining app. People needs to just login once in 24 hours. There was also referral program. If users refer then they used to mine more ice coin per hours. So first kyc was face liveness. They gave different different types of works to ice users to do like twitter sharing and YouTube channel subscribe. We all did. Sudden few days back they stop mining and they just made a announcement that we have stopped mining because our teams move to mainnet work and expenses was too high for mining so decided to permanently stop the mining.
Okay fine I understand that you have stopped the mining. But I have few questions..

  1. Okay you stop the minig they why users needs to login once in 24 hours. Yeah there is rule if you do not check in they will decrease the coins hourly.
  2. Mining is totally stopped they why you decreasing the coin still. I used to check in every day but still my coins hourly getting down. You can see the proof at screenshot.
  3. They made a rule pass the quize test. There is a quize in this programme that is necessary to pass. Okay all users not educated or they don't know much about the crypto currency. There is 21 questions at quize in that we need to reply right at least 18 questions. There are three chance. If anyone could not pass the test. They went in halving and day by day they are loosing the mined coins till zero. This is very strict rule. So I can say this is bullshit platform by the way. I am in this bullshit lets see what happened. I did all the kyc and also passed the quize test.

This is my video about ice..

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