Infinite Reminisce

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 



Once upon a time, in those days when infatuation flourished within my childish mind and wishes became a facet that never actualized.

It is the prototype that pulled me very much closer to the Josh household. Growing up with them never excluding their well-mannered children nudged me into another whole dimension of the marital aspect.

This would be a perfect illustration of an alliance forged under loyalty, Respect, Love, and Humility. Just like it is regularly referred to after a momentous reminisce that “ Memories never fade ”

Mrs. Josh is a woman who lived her life very peacefully and led her home with integrity, discipline, and positive influence. At no point in my life with her family have I ever encountered conflicts and rants or whatever forms disagreement takes, sometimes I am perplexed to not witness any at all.

Mr. and Mrs. Josh is blessed with seven children consisting of three boys and four girls, as at then the three girls had ripened enough for courtship and were ready to mingle, and now they're married with children flooding the whole house making Mr. and Mrs. Josh a grandparent.

I was very close to her fifth child “Ifeanyi” because we schooled together, studied in the same commercial department, and carried out tasks and assignments together. I had the position of Head Girl and he had the position of Social Prefect and lots more. To the best of my knowledge, I knew him to be considerate, disciplined, and gentlemanly.

Mr. Roland, a fatherly figure! His home is built with decency, love, in-depth respect, and zero tolerance for misconduct. He labored for his children to be in university all of them and most are graduates while the rest are still in session. His commitment, dedication, support, and unwavering love for his wife are incalculable. The bond these couples shared is unbreakable, enduring, authentic, and everlasting. A lifetime commitment in a relationship unimpeachably and worthy of emulation is what I seek.


The Previous Sunday, I had to visit them because we no longer live together. The same way I left that environment and their home was the way I met it. The love is still there infact much stronger between the couple, her children all grown into adults still maintaining ethics enforced by their parents. We had a moment discussing personal matters involving me, my education, and so on, and me doing the same with them.

A few days after that visitation, shocking news hit me so hard that I broke down weeping. It was so devastating and unfortunate to hear about the demise of his wife, which was on Wednesday morning around 6 am. My resounding wail woke everyone up and a moment of trauma snatched me. I wasn't myself, I was lost!

For every second of that moment, I asked the universe one distressing question. I asked again trying to piece the puzzle if it was their (universe's) wish for me to see her for just one last time. That very morning marked a bad day as I began to imagine what had happened, the welfare of the husband and his current state, the children, and how her presence would be missed greatly. Her marital duties and role are now motherly figure is gone!

I went this past Sunday, to offer my condolences to the deceased family. I shed a bit of tears unknowingly and withdrew the rest forcefully while looking at her portrait on the wall. It would have been a mess if I did and a push for others to feel sober! It was during my condolence visit, I asked if she fell ill or something but they gave me a no for an answer. She died a peaceful death at least.

As of today, her body rests in a mortuary till further notice because according to the traditions of the easterners', burials can't take place during a seasonal period like Christmas till next year. There will be a candle night for her funeral in a few weeks and after that, the burial will be fixed.



From Pixabay
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