Float 2019. Autism awareness day

in r2cornell •  2 years ago  (edited)


This time I am not here to cut you from a Disney movie, but from a special short film that I saw, Today April 2 World Autism Awareness Day. It is a topic that very few people talk about, only those who have a family or a friend with autistic children.

I am the aunt of two blue children, who for me are with my children, their names are Jesus and Angel, both are already adolescents and are Autistic, each one has a special gift that God has given them, I recently showed some drawings that my nephew Jesus makes , he is a Digital artist, just like his brother Angel, they are just in development but I know they would be the greatest artist. This post is for them, the children with Autism, that today we should know, love and accept.


Today Autism Day Event in the community of Esteller Venezuela Municipality


This short film is called Float



This begins with a father who is with a baby in his arms shows him a Dandelion, in that the child observes how those flowers fly, he does the same, his father with eyes of amazement and amazed by great action is observed happy, but suddenly that happiness leaves his children when the people around him see him with different eyes than others, because they see him as an abnormal child, that what he does is not good, he tries to distance even his own sons.


His father, fearful of the reaction, takes him and hides in his house with his son, time passes, he observes a different father, a little careless, but with a child with an extraordinary gift of float, he is going to take him to school but to changing the child to prevent him from flying places a stone in his backpack, the child feels frustrated, that he is not free to do what he likes most, apart from being a child who grew up alone with his father, without playing with friends.


He charges them with a whip so that they do not fly away, but when he sees that a family arrives, they approach where he is hiding to protect the child, so that he does not hear what they are going to say about his son, he arrives at a park they stare from the fence, but the father does not realize that his son is escaping from him, he is inside the park flying, all the parents in the park try to protect their son from this new child who is different from the others, his father runs grab him, he tries to take him away when the only thing the child wanted was that he wanted to play with the others, seeing the reaction that his son cries and cries only his father tells him "WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL"?


His son, seeing his father's reaction, his hair leaves Float, his mood falls, his face changes to sad, he puts on his hood, hides, his father kneels, carries him, looks at the parents in the park, observes his son sees him sad with his eyes closed, he hugs him and sits on a swing he begins to swing from the park, he swings with his son, he takes off his son's hood, his son starts feeling the breeze on his face and hair The child opens his eyes and sees his father's happy face, they both smile, then the child begins to float again, but this time his father was happy, he only saw his son regardless of the look of the other parents.



It is a 7-minute short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, directed and written by Bobby Rubio Float is inspired by his son, who suffers from autism. This premiered on November 12, 2019 and in Italy on April 2, 2020 also on Disney +.


It is a small 7-minute short film that leaves us with great teachings as parents today who have children with autism have to choose...

  • We see a father in seeing his children with his great ability to fly, his eyes shine.
  • Because of the different opinion of the community, this father chooses to hide with his son.
  • Every child likes parks and sharing, we see how the father would like to share with his son in a park just as he observes the other parents.
  • The father runs to the park to take his son, because he sees the parents' attitude as hiding his children, because this one is different.
  • In a moment of stress the father tells him that because you are not normal, his son pays himself, he feels sad.
  • After his attitude, he admits that he did wrong, swings on the swing, lets go of his son, lets him fly regardless of the look or the comments, he just watches his son, he feels super proud to have a son who flies, who has this gift, that not every child has.

We can see that this short film tells us about the exclusion today that parents with children with autism still live, the whole process that takes, what they have to choose what to do, whether to hide the child for being different, how he wants it to be Your child is the same as the others.

But the end is beautiful because that same father accepts his son, his condition different from others, he feels super proud, we should not exclude people just because they are different or have a condition, we should talk to our children, friend, about this topic , being different does not

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