Unofficial Dev Updates | Regarding ads

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

As we have shared in the previous post about ads, this post is to give information about the same.

We applied for Google ads, but they rejected us, as we don't have unique high-quality content. As a blockchain-based social media, we can't control the post quality.
So, We are dropping the idea of using Google Ads.

Now what


Adsterra we got to know is a new and improved alternative for google, and they accepted us because they provide ads on platforms like ours.
They do as well have an excellent inventory of ads.

So, we have added some ads.

Banner Ads

Banner ads on the post list page and as well detail page. These provide a decent CPM

Native Ads

After every 4-5 posts you might see some banners, which are native ads. Native ads are better than normal ads, as they serve you ads from around your region and might be helpful to you as well. As it can provide your local tech blogs, gaming, or any other store(We mostly saw those types of ads, so we are confident)

Pop/Notification Ads

These ads are the best of all three and provide a nice CPM. These notifications can pop up in any place and can be in the corner or the bottom. You can easily close them by clicking the cross.

We know, it can be irritating, but we are just trying to see, which ads are better.
As we already said, ads revenue is better than selling blurt.
Let's hope we get successful.

Please support us by using our front end and by disabling adblocker.

Thanks, everyone.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The big media are even using Google's AdSense platform.

The affiliations, the CPC, CTR, CPA, CPM, CPL have different variants. AdsTerra, if I'm not mistaken, uses the CPM a lot, which guarantees a minimum profit, I have it incorporated in a couple of blogs and although it does not yield too much, it is always something.

It surprises me that Google has rejected Blurt argument for unique and high quality content when we know that AdSense is implemented in a lot of websites and blogs that have little quality and unique content. Especially for those who use the Blogger platform.

Maybe it's just an annoyance about the blockchain.

I think it would not be bad to participate to the owner of each visited post with a percentage of the profit obtained.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are nice stats for a day, with US traffic. But before making any claim, need to see the result for a week or more.

And yes, I think even better than Google with the CPM.

Thanks for the support

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Personally, I've always dislike any full page ads, or ads that trigger when you open the website and take you somewhere else. Notification ads can be intrusive too, but not as bad as the former. Traditional ads like squares or banners have always been the perfect fit to balance out the annoyingness of ads and CPM/CPC revenue.

In my opinion, I'd rather see a LARGE banner AD at the top of the main site; the organized feed pages (trending, hot, created). Two Squares at the left and right of those pages.

For blog posts, a small common banner either at the bottom or top of the post (maybe both?)

Generally, the ads at the top of the websites perform better both with CPM and CPC than those "below the fold". If ads are necessary to maintain the site then the less intrusive, the better.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are currently experimenting with different ads to see the results as well CPM. for now we do not have enough data to make any claim, but we will remove the ads that are not performing well.

Thanks for the support

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