Update about my health.- Actualización acerca de mi salud.

in r2cornell •  3 years ago  (edited)

Greetings friends,

Saludos amigos,

I have been very busy because my daughters started all their face-to-face activities and I spend most of my time away from home, however it is good because it keeps me active.

He estado muy atareada porque mis hijas empezaron todas sus actividades presenciales y paso la mayor parte del tiempo fuera de casa, sin embargo es bueno porque me mantiene activa.

The last time I posted (12 days ago), I told you I was going to the doctor. The doctor saw my tests, he was amazed at how high my triglyceride and cholesterol values ​​were, he also did an abdominal echo and again my colon was inflamed due to IBS. So the treatment was extensive.

La última vez que publiqué (hace 12 días), les comenté que iba al médico. El médico vio mis exámenes, se asombró por lo alto que estaban mis valores de trigliceridos y colesterol, además me hizo un eco abdominal y otra vez el colón estaba inflamado debido al SII. Entonces el tratamiento fue extenso.


The list of medications was long, however I do not like to take medications because my body is sensitive to some components and I must take them with great caution, so the first thing I decided to do was continue with the strict diet that I had already started a few days before. , to which the doctor added more foods that I can NOT eat, so now it is much stricter 😒

Fue larga la lista de medicamentos, sin embargo no me gusta tomar medicamentos porque mi organismo es sensible a algunos componentes y debo tomarlos con mucha precaución, entonces lo primero que me propuse a hacer fue continuar con la dieta estricta que ya había comenzado unos días antes, a la cual el doctor le agregó más alimentos que NO puedo comer por lo tanto ahora es mucho más estricta 😒


photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 phone in the supermarket - Venezuela.

The interesting thing about all this is that thanks to everything that I have stopped eating mainly flour, I have no longer had headaches which had become routine. I have about 14 days without a headache. That is amazing to me!!! 😊

Lo interesante de todo esto es que gracias a todo lo que he dejado de comer principalmente harinas, ya no he tenido dolores de cabeza los cuales se habían hecho rutina. Tengo aproximadamente 14 días sin dolor de cabeza. Eso es una maravilla para mí!!! 😊

My diet is now more natural, vegetables and fruits, at first it was difficult, I like fruits and vegetables but I always accompanied them with bread, arepa (Venezuelan food) pasta, some flour was always on my plate, but not now... That first week I felt very weak but what seemed strange to me was that I had no anxiety, I think that something I am eating now has taken my anxiety away, I think it may be the oatmeal.

Mi alimentación ahora es más natural, vegetales y frutas, al principio fue difícil, me gustan las frutas y vegetales pero siempre los acompañaba con pan, arepa (comida venezolana) pasta, siempre alguna harina estaba en mi plato, pero ahora no... Esa primera semana me sentía muy débil pero lo que me pareció raro fue que no tenía ansiedad, creo que algo de lo que estoy comiendo ahora me ha quitado la ansiedad, creo que puede ser la avena.

Since I was little I hate oatmeal, I don't like it because of how slimy it is, I tolerate its taste but it is that slimy thing that makes me nauseous, but reading so much natural information, I learned that precisely that slimy thing that oats have is what helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, because it works as an agent that absorbs what crosses its path and expels it from the body without the intestine being able to use it.

Desde pequeña aborrezco la avena, no me gusta por lo babosa que es, su sabor lo tolero pero es esa cosa babosa que me da nauseas, pero leyendo tanta información natural, aprendía que precisamente eso baboso que tiene la avena es lo que ayuda a reducir los niveles de colesterol en la sangre, porque funciona como un agente que absorbe lo que se atraviesa en su camino y lo expulsa del organismo sin que el intestino pueda hacer uso de ello.

So I am happy to tell you that after overcoming two weeks of weakness due to the dietary change, I already feel energized, I feel much better in health, my body has adapted well to the changes and I hope to have better results every day.

Así que me alegra contarles que después de superar dos semanas de debilidad debido al cambio alimenticio, ya me siento con energía, me siento mucho mejor de salud, mi organismo se ha adaptado bien a los cambios y espero tener mejores resultados cada día.

I wish you an excellent and productive week everyone.

Le deseo Una excelente y productiva semana a todos.

Thanks for reading my post.

Gracias por leer mi publicación.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

IBS is associated with your solar plexus - meditate there - or even a chiropractor may help with the spine behind the chakra.

oh ok i didn't know that.
In fact, in January I had low back pain, could it be that all this is associated?
can you tell me more about that? I find it interesting.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My chiropractor had this experience himself, hence was able to quickly diagnose it.
The chakras are usually shown as wheels, but actually they are vortices - imagine an hour-glass with the chakra in the narrow middle tube and the energy vortex going in both directions. Hence any misalignment in the spine can block the vortex, and vice versa.
The solar plexus (and the hara (navel)) chakra affects digestion. If you meditate, you will be able to feel where they are - use a diagram but then let the mind "hunt around" the area till you hit the spot. lol.
If you had lower back issues, then it might be the hara - the Chinese consider it the most important point as it is the source of all our energies, as our first energies were from the umbilical cord.
I myself have had this experience - and in my case was the solar plexus getting crushed - and suddenly... IBS manifests. IMO IBS is one of many bullshit symptoms designed to hide the true causes eg garbage food, surrounded by EMF and an inactive chakra. Doctors are just licensed drug dealers - don't take the drugs!

Wonderful news.

If you were to incorporate some visualization techniques it might also help in your recovery as well. It can be something simple like

  • Visualizing yourself in a healing area of peace and serenity. In this healing place there is a color (typically blue or green) that is imbued with healing properties. Picture it emanating from all the life around you as it joins with your energy. Feel it and envision it as it merges into your energy, soothing and healing your deepest recesses.

For the IBS I also recommend your incorporating ginger into your diet.

Since I was little I hate oatmeal, I don't like it because of how slimy it is

I'm sorry, this made me laugh. It reminded me of how I am with mushrooms. My mom would chop them into small pieces and they were of such look and texture they reminded me of nose boogers and made me want to throw up every time they were part of the meal, hahahaha.

Glad you are feeling better, and hope you continue to see progress. Perhaps you can fake it every now and again to get served your breakfast from the little ones. :)

hahaha... well I like mushrooms on pizza but I don't like seeing them much, they look like snail slugs to me, hahaha, so I eat them without seeing them much.

Perhaps you can fake it every now and again to get served your breakfast from the little ones. :)

hahaha good idea, but I must try it on a weekend hahaha... the girls have had their full activities at school every day since 7am.

and how are you, dear?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Hola linda, espero te encuentres mejor con tu recuperación y todo los cambios que has hecho para que esas cosas que te salieron elevadas más la hinchazón de colón se vayan pronto. Mantente positiva y verás que la recuperación será mucho más rápida y te sentirás mejor.👍

Gracias, me siento mucho mejor gracias a Dios, cómo sigues tú? con la vista, tu experiencia me impresionó mucho.

Me alegra que estés mejor, sigo igual, aún sin mejorar el otro ojo, veo muy borroso por ese otro ojo, el lunes voy al doctor.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish you getter and stronger blessed-girl. Just continue your medications and by God's grace you will be fine. I wish you good health.

thank you, amén.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi, it's time to remove #bpud delegations

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Lots of colorful fruits and vegetables can help to keep the immune system fit. I wish you all the best.

Thank you very much 😊

Oye pero que buena noticia... La avena es increíble, una gran aliada para combatir la ansiedad y que te lo digo yo que la sufro. Cómo personas debemos ir analizando poco a poco como la alimentación tradicional afecta nuestra salud, los venezolanos (bueno yo soy de Ganímedes) consumimos demasiadas harinas, es una locura, yo creo que por sangre tenemos harina lol.

He estado desde hace un tiempo cambiando mi alimentación también, ese tomate junto a las manzanas que está en la foto es súper saludable... Es bueno que la migraña te esté dejando respirar, cuando esto se suma al estrés diario, es una locura...

Espero nos sigas actualizando, gran saludo.

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Bueno me has confirmado entonces lo de la avena, últimamente tenía mucha ansiedad de comer dulces o cosas así, creo por el encierro y además las niñas estaban muy tremendas y me generaba más ansiedad, pero desde que estoy con la dieta he notado que no tengo esa ansiedad, y pensé: algo de lo que estoy comiendo ahora, me la está quitando, y descartando, lo que no comía ni un poquito era la avena, así que pensé q era eso.

El tomate de árbol llegué a tomarlo durante el embarazo pero es como amargo y tampoco me gusta mucho pero tengo entendido que tiene muchísimas propiedades buenas para el organismo.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good health to you, and may God bless you. You are the blessed girl.

Amen. gracias 😊

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am happy for the good changes in your body's system making you solve the G.I irritation, headaches, weakness, and all those former things that bothered your health.

Little adjustments in our diet sometimes affects us for the good and bad just like after I got into the Vit K2 Mk-7 therapy it solved my bone issues better than the medicine prescribed by my Endocrinologist.

But in your case maybe the gluten was the offending factor and taking it off from your diet had improved your health, it is just amazing @blessed-girl, congrats to your better well-being 😃

Exactly, I've thought about gluten.
Last week I was at my mother's house and she gave me pasta for lunch and I didn't refuse her because she had already served the food, the next day my colon was inflamed, so I think I should be very strict until my body detoxifies properly.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed you are a bleesedgirl 😁😆😄. There is something unique about fruits that I realized sometine ago; it reduces your cholesterol level, it detoxifies you and it makes your skin glow. It makes you fresh and light in weight and healthy. This is my experience and am sure you have yours too.

Cheers to good health. 👍

oh yes, that's what i hope too, lose weight! she had gained a lot of weight and no longer wanted to appear in any photograph. LOL

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Don't worry, snap pictures because you are wonderfully made. Cheers

Nice to see you posting here mam after 12 days and it's smooth to know that you have no headache for 14 days. You're amazing, you try to give some information by your publications. That's very inspiring.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

thank you

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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Luce muy apetitosas las frutas. Me alegra que las hayas compartido. Muchos cariños para todos en tu familia.


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Sorry to hear about your health @blessed-girl. Just take some medications and everything will be fine.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

take care mam
bless you


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

wow fresh fruits

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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