Healthy life.

in r2cornell •  3 years ago  (edited)

Greetings friends.

Saludos amigos.


I want to tell you that this week I started my health routine, since my severe headaches still continue. I think they have passed the time barrier now, my migraine attacks were normally 3 days, but I think it's been a long time with the migraine since last month.

Quiero contarles que esta semana empecé mi rutina de salud, en vista de que aún continúan mis dolores de cabeza fuerte. Creo que ya han superado la barrera en el tiempo, mis ataques de migraña normalmente eran de 3 días, pero creo que ya ha sido mucho tiempo con la migraña desde el mes pasado.

Actually several things have happened to me since the year began, I remember a friend here from blurt who told me that I should bathe with a cariaquito, it's a Venezuelan saying when a lot of negative things happen to you, and well, in front of my mother's house there are a cariaquito plant and makes me remember what the friend told me.

En realidad me han ocurrido varias cosas desde que empezó el año, recuerdo un amigo aquí de blurt que me dijo que debía bañarme con cariaquito, es un decir venezolano cuando te pasan muchas cosas negativas, y bueno frente a la casa de mi madre hay una planta de cariaquito y hace que recuerde eso que me dijo el amigo.

Going back to the subject, in one of my last posts I told you that I had had a migraine for several days and it had stopped, because after 2 days I started taking omega because it says it helps reduce cholesterol levels, I had the idea in mind that my discomfort was due to cholesterol due to the symptoms, so I bought a natural medication of omega 3,6,9 based on flaxseed since pharmaceutical medications usually harm me, however, instead of helping me, it harmed me.

Retomando el tema, en alguna de mis últimas publicaciones les comenté que tenía varios días con migraña y había esta había cesado, pues a los 2 días comencé a tomar omega porque dice que sirve para reducir los niveles de colesterol, tenía en mente la idea de que mi malestar era por colesterol debido a los síntomas, entonces compré un medicamento natural de omega 3,6,9 a base de linaza ya que los medicamentos farmacéuticos suelen hacerme daño, sin embargo en vez que ayudarme me hizo daño.

On February 24 the vessels in my right eye broke, I had to go to the doctor and apparently it was due to taking that natural medicine based on flaxseed.

El 24 de febrero se rompieron los vasos de mi ojo derecho, tuve que ir al médico y al parecer fue por tomar ese medicamento natural a base de linaza.


Since then I have been resting again and the headaches returned, I think that this year my body is very upset, I have been to the doctor in these 3 months more than I have in the last 2 years of the pandemic, I don't like it go to the doctor but this year I have had to go many times.

Desde entonces estuve otra vez de reposo y volvieron los dolores de cabeza, pienso que este año mi organismo está muy alterado, he ido al médico en estos 3 meses más que lo que llegué a ir en estos 2 últimos años de pandemia, no me gusta ir al médico pero este año me ha tocado ir muchas veces.

As I wrote before, I felt that I had high cholesterol, and in fact, the doctor told me to do a blood test, on Monday they gave me the results and there are many things altered but the truth is that I do not understand any of that, I only understand that the triglycerides and cholesterol are high, the other values ​​I don't know what it is, today I have a medical appointment in the afternoon so that the doctor can see all the results and I hope I have nothing wrong.

Como les escribí anteriormente, sentía que tenía el colesterol alto, y en efecto, el doctor me dijo que me hiciera examen de sangre, el lunes me entregaron los resultados y hay muchas cosas alteradas pero la verdad no entiendo nada de eso, solo entiendo que los triglicéridos y colesterol están altos, los otros valores no sé que será, hoy tengo cita médica en la tarde para que el doctor vea todos los resultados y espero no tener nada malo.

When I saw that those levels were high, I started a strict diet!! at the beginning of the year I started a diet because I wanted to lose weight but it was a flexible diet hahaha, but this week I was scared with those results because I had never had high cholesterol and triglycerides in my life, so this diet is radical.

Cuando vi que esos niveles estaban altos, empecé una dieta estricta!! a principio de año comencé una dieta porque quería adelgazar pero fue una dieta flexible jajaja, pero esta semana me asusté con esos resultado porque jamás en mi vida había tenido el colesterol y triglicéridos altos, entonces esta dieta si es radical.

I am eating fruits, oatmeal, I have never liked oatmeal and now I drink it and eat it a lot.

Estoy comiendo frutas, avena, nunca me ha gustado la avena y ahora la tomo y la como mucho.

I bought apples to eat one a day for breakfast, I'm not eating fried banana, that was something I always liked to eat for lunch, a lunch without fried banana was horrible for me, and I haven't eaten it for a week.

Compré manzana para comer una diaria en el desayuno, no estoy comiendo plátano frito, eso era algo que me gustaba siempre comer en el almuerzo, un almuerzo sin plátano frito era horrible para mí, y tengo una semana sin comerlo.


Tomorrow I will do the shopping for the week and I will buy a lot of vegetables and chicken, since they are the healthiest, I will also buy sardines, they say that sardines are good for lowering cholesterol.

Mañana haré las compras de la semana y compraré muchos vegetales y pollo, ya que son lo más saludable, también compraré sardinas, dicen que la sardina es buena para bajar el colesterol.

In January I started to exercise but from time to time, instead since Monday I do twice a day every day. The good thing is that I will lose weight 😍

En enero empecé a hacer ejercicio pero de vez en cuando, en cambio desde el lunes hago todos los días dos veces al día. Lo bueno es que adelgazaré 😍

and surely the doctor will send me some treatment, I want to ask the doctor many things and I am also a little nervous because the results are all altered, my blood tests have always been within normal ranges and this time they are mostly altered.

y seguramente el doctor me mandará algún tratamiento, quiero preguntarle muchas cosas al doctor y también estoy un poco nerviosa porque los resultados están todos alterados, mi exámenes de sangre siempre han estado dentro de los rangos normales y esta vez están en la mayoría alterados.

I will tell you later how my medical appointment went. I wish you all a great day.

Luego les contaré como me fue en mi cita médica. Les deseo un excelente día a todos.

Camera usedHandphone Xiaomi Redmi 9
LocationGran Caracas - Venezuela.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope everything will be fine. Good recovery !

thank you dear

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope you get better soon.

thank you

Qué bueno que pudiste hacerte los exámenes y ver qué era lo que estaba mal para tomar acciones. Hacer ejercicio es excelente para la salud no sólo en relación a la pérdida de peso, me da algo de envidia porque estoy esperando tener un multifuerza pronto para empezar a levantar pesas de nuevo, es lo único que me gusta así para hacer ejercicio. Espero que te vaya excelente con todo, un saludo.
Good thing you were able to get the tests done and see what was wrong to take action. Exercising is great for your health not only in relation to weight loss, I'm a bit envious because I'm hoping to get a multistrength soon to start lifting weights again, it's the only thing I like that way to exercise. I hope you are doing great with everything, best regards.

Gracias, estoy haciendo ejercicios en el orbitreck aunque el doctor dio que eso no era ejercicio pero creo que eso es mejor a no hacer nada.

Hello blessed girl,

I am sorry to hear that your health has not improved yet. It is not only difficult but also dangerous to recommend anything to you from a distance. What I can say is that in most cases it is helpful to listen to your inner doctor. So if you don't like oatmeal, that could be a sign that you don't need the ingredients in oatmeal.

We all have such a wonderful inner voice, unfortunately we forget to listen to it. We prefer to listen to specialists who only see a small area but rarely the whole.

I wish you all the best!

thank you dear, what I don't like about oatmeal is how slimy it is, but I have read a lot of information about oatmeal, which says that it is very good for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels and it is precisely how slimy it works like a sponge to absorb fat from food and expel it from the body, so according to the benefits I'm taking oatmeal... I think I'm getting used to it... I've felt a little weak because of a strict diet I'm following but I think it's working, I haven't had a headache since Friday. The doctor gave me medicine for 3 months to lower the levels but I don't want to take so much medicine, I'm trying everything natural first.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Espero que te encuentres mejor. Por experiencia propia, luego del cambio alimenticio que he venido haciendo, me he comenzado a sentir mejor que antes, menos cansancio, mayor energía durante el día, mayor concentración. La verdad es que una alimentación eliminando grasas y un consumo diario de frutas y vegetales hacen mucho la diferencia en la salud nuestra. Un abrazo.

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Hola, gracias. Tienes razón me he sentido mejor, incluso no he tenido los dolores de cabeza, gracias a Dios... La primera semana de la dieta estricta me sentía muy débil jajaja, pero q ya me estoy acostumbrando. 😀

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me alegro mucho saber que te encuentras mejor. Si, los primeros días son complicados, se tiende a tener mucha ansiedad y debilidad, pero luego el cuerpo se va adaptando mientras se hace la limpieza.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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It's very sad to know that your headache is still bothering you. You are one of the most care taker of us in the platform so I pray your healthy and ending your sickness!

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Thank you very much

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Glad to hear you are eating healthy. I hope that makes a difference. It also helps to take a break from time to time. Don't worry about anything.

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Thank you vey much

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

High triglycerides are caused by high sugar consumption or maybe carbohydrates, that is what I know while high cholesterol would come from animal fats for the most part. @blessed-girl

But it is not late to make lifestyle changes like in your diet, one apple I think is two serving of fruit already and that is good. I often eat apples, sometimes Mangoes, or those oblong-shaped watermelon, I really like watermelons :)

My brother got a heart condition because he eats liberally until his heart's coronary artery had a problem. He received a stent treatment, that thing that is inserted through the artery in the arm and all the way to the heart to make the artery wider.

But he did a 180% diet, now he only eats once a day, intermittent fasting, it actually improved his heart. He was set to another heart procedure and in the operating room already and after some imaging test in his heart the doctor said that he was already cleared and the heart procedure didn't happened, thanks be to God.

I hope you feel better soon, migraine are really awful, I am fortunate that I am not having any headaches anymore which plagued me for years even in my childhood years oblivious that it was already a sign that my Kidneys will fail after some more years :/

Thank God your brother was healed and they did not operate on him. I also really like watermelon, but for a diet I don't like it because it contains a lot of water and I think it would make me hungry very quickly hahaha... Right now I'm having a glass of oatmeal.

Thanks for coming. 😉

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Vaya, querida que calamidad, creo que a medida que avanzamos empezamos a cambiar cosas en nuestro organismo que nos altera. Pero gracias a Dios que ya tomaste las previsiones por ti misma y estoy segura de que todo estará mejor.
Yo también debo pasar por ese examen, pero pienso que aplazaré.
Te envío un gran abrazo y mis mejores de deseos de sanación.
Buena vibra.

Posted from

Gracias amiga, me he sentido mejor con la dieta. U abrazo para tí también.😘

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is beneficial to wet a few walnuts in a glass of water and drink the water, and to drink a sip of pomegranate juice a day to reduce bad cholesterol.

Thanks, I've read information about the pomegranate, it's good, but I haven't seen that fruit sold around here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ojala y no tengas nada malo, que sea solo algo que se quite con una alimentación balanceada, todo puede estar alterado por alguna razón, seguramente el comer plátano frito todos los dias en el almuerzo te altero tus niveles, pero confía que todo saldrá bien.

sí, bueno he abusado un poco de las harinas, gracias a Dios el doctor me examinó y todo bien, pero los trigliceridos si están muy altos y me mandó tratamiento.

Se ven muy llamativas las manzanas, por la fotografía uno imagina su sabor 💯💐

Sí, estaban ricas.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm sorry to hear about your headaches and other troubles. Headaches are really annoying and can really disrupt your sleep, causing even more stress and high blood pressure on top.

I was going to ask if you already had Omicron COVID because a headache is one of the early symptoms.. but since you said you were already suffering from migraines, it's probably not that.

I hope you get better soon. Wishing you full health 🙏

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Thank you, apparently it's because of the high triglycerides, the doctor already sent me treatment but for 3 months that seems like a lot of medicine, so I'm following a strict diet and exercising to see if my levels go down and I don't have to take those medicines anymore and I have not had a headache for 3 days, I just feel a little weak.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

From the references I read, high triglycerides and high cholesterol can be avoided by doing the following:

  1. Avoid excess sugar and refined carbohydrates

High carbohydrate intake and sugary foods can increase triglyceride levels. So try to limit how often you eat refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks, sweets, and sugary desserts.

  1. Eat high-fiber foods

Soluble fiber can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) which is more likely to form plaque in the arteries. Soluble fiber can be found in many foods, such as beans, oats, barley, oranges, apples, strawberries, peas, and potatoes.

Hopefully useful and hopefully you are always healthy...

Thanks for the information I am consuming oatmeal daily, even though I did not like it

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh no, I also have a little yellow dot in both eyes but luckily it's not that bad as yours. So I hope everything with you get better soon!

Take care :)

thank you

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The really extraordinary post that I think many people will benefit much for health, I think many thanks to a health poster to share a health post

thank you

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