Greetings friends,
Saludos amigos,
Today I share with you a little of my joy and pride. Our children are our pride and happiness! 😍
Hoy comparto con ustedes un poco de mi alegría y orgullo. Nuestros hijos son nuestro orgullo y felicidad! 😍
This week was my eldest daughter's promotion photo shoot at school. A moment of great joy, to see how the effort and dedication, is forming your daughter and is going up one more step in her life.
Esta semana fue la sesión de foto de promoción en el colegio de mi hija mayor. Un momento de mucha alegría, ver como el esfuerzo y la dedicación , va formando a tu hija y va subiendo un escalón más en su vida.
In these special moments I always remember when I held her for the first time, so small and defenseless and now she has grown so much. My beautiful, intelligent and curious girl likes to investigate things in nature and until now she says that she would like to be a biologist or a chemist, although I think that in the end she will take a technological career because she handles technology very well.
En estos momentos especiales siempre recuerdo cuando la cargué por primera vez, tan pequeñita e indefensa y ahora ha crecido tanto. Mi niña hermosa, inteligente y curiosa, le gusta investigar cosas de la naturaleza y hasta ahora ella dice que quisiera ser bióloga o química, aunque yo pienso que al final ella tomará un carrera tecnológica porque maneja muy bien la tecnología.
Well, I'm getting ahead of myself, she's barely going to high school, there's still a long way to go before she starts university and this was just taking a picture, the promotion event will be in July.
Pero bueno, me estoy adelantando mucho, apenas pasará al bachillerato, aún falta mucho para que ella empiece la universidad y esto solo fue la toma de fotografía, el acto de promoción será en julio.

You make me very happy princess @kathe-art, always keep striving and you will achieve everything in life.
Me haces muy feliz princesa @kathe-art, sigue siempre esforzándote y lograrás todo en la vida.
Camera used | Handphone Xiaomi Redmi 9. |
Location | Gran Caracas - Venezuela. |
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Gracias por visitar mi Blog.

I'm wishing your daughter the best in life @blessed-girl and may she find some path that will make her happy like a chosen career, business, or even a paying hobby. 👍
In this world we live in we have to keep up with the changing times, hustling more to get by or get big. So to prepare us for the challenges ahead we must have something that nobody can take like education and also the proper guidance from the parents. 😊
Thank you my friend, excellent words. 😊
Always pride and happiness to see children growing, learning and getting success. Advance congratulation for high school!
Thank you very much
She is Pretty girl😍
thank you, dear 😊
He is your best successor. May he be a dutiful son to his parents.
I accessed @kate-art but it's not detected.
oh thank you, I wrote it wrong... it's kathe-art, I already corrected it.
Ok Mom
Our best investment is within our children. The pride, gladness and condolences we get from them, we can't receive from any other. Best of @kathe-art! May you get succeed in your goal!
Thank you 😊
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Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.
Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness
What a sweet baby girl you have, god bless her
Amen, thank you
Congratulations on your educational achievement
thank you
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