in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Anytime I see complains about blurt and disagreement I listen to this song. Please listen to this song Marky!
Dear @themarkymark
We understand you don’t like how blurt is operated and how things are done on blurt with your constant posting of memes and saying all kinds of things and how you sold blurt. For the sake of some of us that our lives have been changed on blurt and we have a chance in life please let us have peace. That you were born in a country that gave you everything doesn’t mean some of us have that same opportunity. Blurt is still young and growing but constantly coming here to throw shades at people and fight with people is not helping me and many persons. Please using words to manipulate people isn’t the best. I may not be a good person but I have tried to be a better version of myself and I am still working on it. To some persons I will not mention please let’s have some peace here and let’s build blurt together as it is way better than what it was last year and hopefully next year will be better than this year. If you have a problem and you think using abusive words is the best note also that young people on the chain re learning also from grown ups like you.

Be a good person.

You must not be the one to always say negative things.

If you like it here buy blurt and support blurt

when you die one day we will remember you as wha? @demarkymark

Show love and kindness wherever you find yourself. Improve lives and be good to others. Share the little you have with others and be a good example. Be human be lovely be peaceful be human! Have a heart

Do not take this as an insult and please do not throw hurting words to me as I do not have a heart to accommodate such. Take this as an advice and let’s grow together.

Welcome on blurt @demarkymark

It is not bitter on blurt! It is better on blurt! We re not constantly flagged, our mental health is not affected, we re not ridiculed on blurt, our little voices re heard. We are accepted we love it here, please don’t divide us!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt is the true illustration of decentralized social media, with the freedom to post without fear of being muted or downvoted, as I've always said and will continue to say.

Blurt tends to promote peace regardless of region or skin color; in fact, Africans have gained more from Blurt than any other decentralized social media platform; I received support for creating quality contents. The truth is that we don't hate on Blurt; in fact, even if you're a nasty person, we'll support you because our goal is to help people grow and promote peace. I still feel @themarkymark has some good in him, and I have faith that Blurt will help him find it because Blurt is good.

I have no beef with anyone on any of the three chains (Blurt, Steem, or Hive); I'm just an author who shares his daily activities.

Overall, I'm glad to be here, and I hope @themarkymark recognizes and embraces the positive aspects of Blurt.

Thank you, @bestkizito, for promoting Blurt and assisting everyone, especially Africans; you're a wonderful person who deserves to be recognized.

One love from Nigeria ❤️🇳🇬

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He really has some good in him... Maybe we should customize a downvote button for him alone... I am sure only that way will he appreciate blurt...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol... Don't let pay bad with bad, Blurt is designed for good that's why the platform still keeps on standing irrespective of how much bad people want it to fall....

There's something about life, no matter what the good people will all win...

I believe mark will change for good 😊

Please for the sake of our new members who are mostly juvenile to blockchain.
Let us focus only on celebrating each Successful level BLURT attains and keep moving.
Some talks are meant to be ignored as they have nothing to contribute to our future rather they will incite hatred and coarse even among those that knows nothing about them.
Please we should keep blurting and attach relevance to things that concerns blurt development not sarcasm.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt is definitely not a war ground!
If you succeed in tearing blurt apart what will get in return? Can't he see is high time he comes down from his high horse and make blurt a better place for yourself.

We are humans from different countries and tribes, definitely our understanding and view to things differs the earlier you learn to accommodate others, the better for us.

Long live blurt❤️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My dear he is not ready to grow blurt but to ridicule it... His actions and posts on blurt since he signed up have been geared towards staring verbal war here.... Anyway, we love blurt and we aren't giving up on blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

wow what is this friend?

let them say a word about blurt. we just focus on developing blurt, because with blurt we can be creative as we like.

I think blurt is a good ecosystem, we know each other and support each other, regardless of those who don't like us.

Let's focus on expanding the blur, spreading our wings and reaching out to other parts of the world.

I'm sure with blurt we can achieve dreams, even though it's not as easy as turning the palm of the hand

Good jhob @bestkizito

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I still don't understand why people didn't see the good Blurt is offering and what it will continue to offer, a platform that pays for the same activities done on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Isn't that interesting enough, still wonder while some people hate it and want to see it fall, I just hope the platform keeps striving and changing people's live for good.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The problem here is, someone is disappointed with the absence of downvote on Blurt and to hide from the mistake of Hive, he tries to project his problems to be the problems of Blurt. Blurt to the moon, no slowing down.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unlike Hive, there's no downvote button on Blurt to express anger 😅. But the use of abusive words is never the solution. That will only spoil the minds of young users who are trying to grow. Please Sir Marky, try and celebrate the growth you're seeing here. Thanks!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope he sees the growth on Blurt and embrace it as soon as possible, because Blurt is here to stay and change lives

There is however a coal list, that can remove your ability to be upvoted, that's the same as downvotes, but with downvotes the community decides and it is a per post basis, with the coal list, it's up to a small group of people decide and it's for your entire account.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And Hive has its whales who ignore the newer users, and abuse the downvote button. Some may deserve it, but from experience I myself had my accounts attacked because someone did not agree with me. The downvotes had nothing to do with the content of my curation accounts. Some were just being asses. The attack came from several whales. Of the three platforms all have the few making decisions for the many. On Blurt when users objected to somethings that was proposed, witnesses listened. Not so much on the other platforms.

Most downvotes are deserved but there are occasions where they are malicious.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt has a whole lot of potentials and rather than using abusive words, you should be part of the growth. Accept Blurt for what it is, or you allow us enjoy our Blurt in peace, please.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well I just started getting along with blurt and I believe the platform is going to continue to grow bigger and better. The fact that it doesn’t go your way doesn’t mean it not of advantage to many people. I have not even been really active up to a month and I have seen a lot of prospects in this platform. BLURT TO THE MOON 🔥🔥🔥

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Every community isn't perfect. And this one is still growing. For one am glad there is no down vote button.
When we join we get a welcoming from our introductory post. After that we have 2 option that go together. Either be a curator or an author primarily as there is more. For newbies there most challenge will be try to get up votes. Or to build up their bp. For those with enough finances can easily power up while those not work their way up.

As someone ones said no one owes you anything. Yes its tough when your contents don't bring the vote you want.
But on most cases I've noticed the quality determines the votes when it comes to the whales and also personal appeal.

As much as no one owes you anything we still have everyone trying to work to help others in doing so helping themselves by organizing contest and challenges all so if you feel you aren't getting votes those can help grow your bp.
I personally feel its a wonderful community that my first month even though I wasn't getting much strong votes on my art my goal was set to build my bp and reach to the top to be a curator
With the contest organized and so forth in my 3 months stay I earned 2000blurt.
Though for some minor financial strand and issues with my gadget I had to power down but at least making sure i could generate a replacement.

Thank you @megadrive and founding members of blurt community for a platform with chance to succeed we grow it together.
Blurt to the moon
Coal or no coal have your goal straight take the initiative and you will find even going by the rules you can succeed.

For demarkymark I would say you are free to voice an opinion but repeatedly voicing with insults its like you are in fire complaining about fire yet all you have to do is walk out of it. Comparison will never bring to a conclusion we should choose what we want and stay away from what we don't .
This got longer than I expected
thank you all

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is one thing in life that is either good or bad, so let people continue to say anything about blurt. We only focus on building blurt because it allows us to be skillful while still earning money.

I believe that blurt is a great place since we all understand each other and assist one other, regardless of who doesn't like us.

Let us concentrate on strengthening the blurt, stretching our arms, and reaching out to other parts of the continent.

I'm confident that using blurt, we can attain our goals, even if it's not as simple as rotating the palm of our hand.

Thank you @bestkizito for the support so far

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt is a platform that has changed some many lives throughout its existence and has very much potential to do more on the long run. Please @themarkymark you are really good at content making and for that I plead with you to give blurt a chance and see what will become of it instead of throwing shades.

We the blurt members are optimistic about Blurt and nothing can change that because Blurt is a platform built with love and great equality unlike our sister platforms which attributes more power than required to whales thus creating the risk of future centralization on those platforms.

Welcome to Blurt @themarkymark. I believe you wi enjoy it here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A word is enough for the wise they say.
Hello @themarkymark, please thread with caution at least for the sake of the young ones here on blurt, using abusive words will never make you win an argument.

Blurt is helping thousands of people globally, lets all join hands to expand this horizon to even greater number through our actions and character. Love y'all

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right from Steemit and Hive, I've always known @themarkymark to be amazing. So many beautiful contents he has. But no matter the situation in life, humans will always remain humans. So let's give love a chance here on Blurt as we enjoy the flow no matter what. Welcome to Blurt @themarkymark You'll enjoy it here, trust me.😁

I really like that fact that Blurt is very much decentralized by allowing everyone to express their opinion without any fear of being down voted which is something that has greatly increased freedom of speech and expression unlike the likes of Steem and Hive.

In as much as freedom of speech is highly encouraged, we all should learn to be cultured and mind what we say to eachother. Blurt still has a very massive potential and I encourage everyone to embrace the growth in other for us to make it a reality.

Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I registered on Blurt a few months ago, but I misplaced my phone, which included my keys; I later rediscovered the phone and wrote my introductory post; I received a huge amount of support from @leifasaur, which made me very happy; I'm a food blogger, and I'll be posting the majority of my cooking content on Blurt.

I just had a positive feeling about Blurt; I believe you people are kind and supportive, and I'm grateful to be a part of this community.

I understand that the post preaches love, and I feel that is what the world should be about; we should put an end to intertribal warfare, local wars, global wars, and even blockchain wars. The goal is to spread love and promote peace...

I'm hoping to have a good time here, and I'm glad to be on Blurt.

Greetings from Nigeria's southern region.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I came to blurt and I don’t have time to bad talk others or other platforms, I came up with my initiative and it was powered and supported.

In blurt We’re all about the love and for those of us who had no voice in other platforms had it here, we complain when we have issues and it’s been addressed and we are given credits for even complaining about the issues.

We love you from the first day you joined blurt and we’ll keep loving Cayuse on blurt we believe in togetherness.

Blurt doesn’t judge nor hate rather it loves and care for everyone, seeing megadrive and others upvoting should let you know that we don’t care who you are or where you come from all we care about is you content and how you treat others.

Don’t try to change peoples mind on blurt, you can’t do it cause as for the African communities we have adopted blurt as part of us.

BLURT is not bitter, BLURT IS LOVE

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub

Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus

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Follow @techclub for more updates and use tag #techclub for tagging content

you can also delegate to @techclub to support curation

Hello @bestkizito
Thank you for sharing such great content!
Use #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Firstly, I want to commend you @bestkizito for this amazing post. I love the way you poured out what is in your heart and that means a lot to many of us. I don't have much to say because you've said a lot and others have also said a lot too. I just want to say thank you for speaking the mind of many.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've just been stating facts, unlike your counterparts. Don't like the truth, change it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sir you're stating the fact as you said, but continuously fighting over it might not really change anything. And with the way you make your posts, you tend to chase newbies away, is it right? Blurt is one big family where we are meant to always look out for each other, but if you continue to chase us away how are we going to come close to you?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I really see what you are trying to do sir, starting a war where there is no conflict... With all humility and due respect to you sir, you sound ridiculous. I guess that's polite enough