My new day garden update.. and clean up my garden grass

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Like other days today is a rainy day and a cloudy day, I am starting with the feeling of my heart and full of desire and love to share with you some moments of my garden. I have also given a post the previous day. You should also know how to maintain and every tree in the garden should be kept in its own way, that is, very carefully so that what you expect from it is fulfilled. Maintenance is very important today is the second day of my garden today is about removing all the unfortunate weeds from my garden and saving the garden so let's start our journey. And specially thanks for this community members .

First of all today's topic I'm going to start with clean up my garden grass. Every man manages the garden every day, and by this management, if it rains for a few days, it can be seen that if it is left to fall for two days without regular cleaning, then there is a lot of waste, because the soil in the garden is always fertile and that grass. They do not take time to grow and for this reason the grass needs to be cleared because if there are vegetable plants in the garden then the plants may die if they are covered in the grass so it can be seen that one side of the garden is losing so the plants have to be cleared and any kind of equipment to clear those grasses. For example, hoe is the main tool for weed control. This tool has to be used. Basically, clean the grass, dig the soil, cut the roots of the trees, and in this case, it can be said that it is very important to fence the garden because to protect it from cows and goats, the garden has to be surrounded. And today I cleaned the garden and weeded it and watered the roots and the roots to increase the water holding capacity. Drink them I will share them clearly with you through pictures I hope you will understand well and I will try to explain and one of the main slogans is plant trees save environment reduce oxygen deficiency.


Today I will be the first to tell about a beautiful and fertile papaya tree in my garden and a hybrid variety I mentioned in the last garden post which is a hybrid papaya tree which is 20 to 25 days old or they bear fruit within one month to one and a half months. But if they are kept carefully, they bear fruit too soon because the plants are small, so the fruits are not as nutritious, that is, there is not as much growth as the fruit type tree can break, and in other cases, when the plants are old and fat, many kinds of many. It has the capacity to bear fruits and at that time it was seen that if there are 10 to 12 seedlings then a large quantity of papaya can be raised from it and they can be grown if desired and that today i.e. that plant I have increased today's capacity has an advantage in this regard.


But one thing that can be said is that before the fruit comes from the flower, it is seen that different types of insect attacks occur and the result is that the flowers slowly fall and the fruit does not come. Knowledge has to be gained from the cultivation of papaya or it can be said that in cultivating every agricultural plant it is important to take advice from an experienced agronomist otherwise if one can cultivate or apply pesticides on one's own knowledge one may make a mistake in this case too and due to that mistake one's own Crops can all die in this case caution has to be taken


My garden clean up and some moments of beauty
sbsuperhit123 (51)in GEMS • 19 days ago
Like other days today is a rainy day and a cloudy day, I am starting with the feeling of my heart and full of desire and love to share with you some moments of my garden. I have also given a post the previous day. You should also know how to maintain and every tree in the garden should be kept in its own way, that is, very carefully so that what you expect from it is fulfilled. Maintenance is very important today is the second day of my garden today is about removing all the unfortunate weeds from my garden and saving the garden so let's start our journey. And specially thanks for this community members .

First of all today's topic I'm going to start with clean up my garden grass. Every man manages the garden every day, and by this management, if it rains for a few days, it can be seen that if it is left to fall for two days without regular cleaning, then there is a lot of waste, because the soil in the garden is always fertile and that grass. They do not take time to grow and for this reason the grass needs to be cleared because if there are vegetable plants in the garden then the plants may die if they are covered in the grass so it can be seen that one side of the garden is losing so the plants have to be cleared and any kind of equipment to clear those grasses. For example, hoe is the main tool for weed control. This tool has to be used. Basically, clean the grass, dig the soil, cut the roots of the trees, and in this case, it can be said that it is very important to fence the garden because to protect it from cows and goats, the garden has to be surrounded. And today I cleaned the garden and weeded it and watered the roots and the roots to increase the water holding capacity. Drink them I will share them clearly with you through pictures I hope you will understand well and I will try to explain and one of the main slogans is plant trees save environment reduce oxygen deficiency.
Today I will be the first to tell about a beautiful and fertile papaya tree in my garden and a hybrid variety I mentioned in the last garden post which is a hybrid papaya tree which is 20 to 25 days old or they bear fruit within one month to one and a half months. But if they are kept carefully, they bear fruit too soon because the plants are small, so the fruits are not as nutritious, that is, there is not as much growth as the fruit type tree can break, and in other cases, when the plants are old and fat, many kinds of many. It has the capacity to bear fruits and at that time it was seen that if there are 10 to 12 seedlings then a large quantity of papaya can be raised from it and they can be grown if desired and that today i.e. that plant I have increased today's capacity has an advantage in this regard.


Next comes the discussion about a Jhal tree. A Jhal tree is basically those that start to lift the Jhal and start flowering within about 30 to 35 days after planting. can be reached, so planting Jhalkas does not require much water because these plants have very little water storage, i.e. tolerate water. Reaching and dying these occur completely in many stages of leaf removal but if they are maximum after 10 to 12 leaf removal, the plant is completely dry and they do not have to be removed, otherwise they are destroyed in the field and in this case when excess temperature falls. After digging the roots of the leaves with a little bit, water should be given lightly, then the plants will come together again. Trying to give.

However, there are many flowering plants in my garden which I take care of and their flowers are of different types and colors which are very beautiful to look at but inside there are grasses which are very easy to move from the flesh to another place by lightly sprinkling them with water. Once you get there, they start regenerating. They are born from the most powerful means, but there is one tree that is the Patharkuchi tree that can grow through a leaf. Or with different types of supporters, i.e. any type of stick, it should be strong so that it can withstand the weight of the tree, it should be buried with the tree so that the tree does not break. However, they are very useful. If a tree is burned or scratched, its leaves are used to heal the wound.

You are a special thing these days from this July to today is the ninth day of August. The days are passing with extreme heat. Well, a lot of sunlight increases the temperature. As a result, care must be taken so that the garden does not dry out and the soil bursts and damages the garden. Freshen up. Motors or water pumps or water from ponds to be supplied to the garden are seen and died because of it..
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