Peace be upon you friends, I hope you all will be well When I woke up, the rain had stopped and there were still clouds in the sky. When I opened my eyes and woke up, it was seven o'clock in the morning and I woke up my wife too. I went to the mosque for prayers. Arriving at the mosque, I performed Wudhu and prostrated before Allah Almighty. After praying, I sat for a while and recited the Holy Quran and then from there I went to my ancestral graveyard where I prayed for the forgiveness of my ancestors and from there I went for a walk.
I finished my walk and then headed home. When I got home, the kids had breakfast and were ready for school. I took the children to school and also took some beautiful pictures of the flowers in the school. The school was flooded due to two days of continuous rain. But the administration was busy removing him. I got information from the administration that there was no damage due to rain. They assured me that everything was going well and that there was no harm and no danger.
I said goodbye to them and then I returned home. My wife was preparing breakfast for me. I had breakfast. After breakfast I had to go to my shop so I got out my bike and went to the market. When I reached the market, I parked my motorcycle in the parking lot and opened the door of my shop. She got involved in cleaning and then sewing. I worked all day and sewed clothes until evening. In the evening I closed the shop and returned home.