Is it like Erik??

in r2cornell •  8 months ago 

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There are no special rules in life, that's what Erik said, so he continues to walk with endless dreams
end. While time continues to pass endlessly, being barefoot is just an empty fantasy as motivation. That's how he lived his days, he kept thinking that life would change everything in the form of failure in thinking.

Now he will constantly measure and carve out stories in his mind, yes what happened was a waste of time for him and while he didn't realize that the life he was living was so chaotic and disorganized, Erik was always living a unique wrong story that many Gebe became his friend, even though he was too old.

One day he came to a shop very bravely and told stories about life to well-established people, even though he was just a lazy person compared to everyone else at the age of 49, he told how to do business, how to think without people realizing it. there has more of a future than him.

Everything happens by itself and by fate and that is what Erik holds, that he doesn't think that everything is in vain without effort, it's just that he is too idealistic to judge other people without reason. But whether there is a change in the way he behaves certainly won't remember what he went through at his age.

Erik is a poor and wasted life, he doesn't think far while his friends already have a bright future and often invites him to change, but he often argues when a friend advises him, without regret so that boredom sets in for those who want to motivate him.

Coming and going, that's the way he thinks, like people eating crackers on a hanging rope, will we be like Erik who wants to live behind with his ego, or move forward to look at a brighter future with what we face, of course this is the snack we choose to complement the atmosphere and challenges of conditions to achieve success.

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