Hello everyone, welcome to my nice blog once again
Today I will like to take you through the number of tooth in Humans
An adult human has 32 set of teeth while a small child of under 6 years has 20 set of teeth
In adult we have 2 incisors teeth
One is central incisors and the second one is lateral incisor tooth
Then we have the canine tooth
Next is 2 premolars which is absent in children
Then lastly, an adult has 3 molars
All of the teeth mentioned above are all 8 together in a single quadrant but in human beings we have 4 quadrants in the two jaws
That means 8 in four places making humans to 32 set of teeth in a complete dentition
A child does not have two premolars and also a child only has 2 molars once such a child is under six years of age that makes it to have only 5 teeth in a quadrant instead of 8 teeth that an adult has
5 in four places makes a child of under 6 years to have a total of 20 teeth in a complete dentition
We would talk more about children's teeth in the subsequent posts
Thanks a lot