A Must Read: Tips to Follow in order to Achieve an Effective and Faster Access Cavity Preparation in Few Minutes...

in r2cornell •  10 months ago 


Hi everyone, how is everything?. Would like to share a very important tips and short cuts on how to achieve an effective and quick access cavity preparation without much of your precious time especially to dentists and Endodontists.

First of all, access cavity preparation involves the removal and excavation of decayed teeth tissues and debris from the tooth surface in order to give a visible clear and straight line access to the root canal orifices so as to facilitate root canal treatment.

Due to access cavity preparation as a component and important step in root canal treatment, it requires a fast approach and efficiency so as to alleviate discomfort to the patient and reduce the working time and the number of clinical sittings.

Without much ado, let's go to the major scope of this post which are listed below serially one after the other;

1- Don't over-think and engrossed in thoughts as to how to prepare an access cavity preparation for a tooth as this makes you slow and unfocus.
All you need is draw an imaginary outline of the tooth surface and concentrating on where the canals could be located.

2- Don't be quick in looking for the canal or canals with file as this brings about distraction, just make sure you create your cavity preparation outline completely first with your handpiece and an appropriate bur.

3- Furthermore, when you come across a carious tooth tissue or debris don't think about removing it or leaving it behind just remove it immediately as the main reason for root canal treatment is cleaning and disinfection.

Remember, leaving a debris or decayed tissue behind could lead to disinfection and eventually root canal treatment failure as the case maybe.

4- Don't be in a hurry in trying to use dental mirror every time to locate the canal, if you don't see it clearly during preparation no reason to be using dental mirror in trying to locate it, as this waste your time and increase discomfort for the patient.

5- Avoid preparation without using Endo-Z-Bur.

An Endo-Z-Bur is an ordinary bur with a non-cutting end or tip. It was noticed that most dental students don't usually use this bur while preparing access cavity which is wrong. Employing this bur in preparation makes it faster and efficient.

Using other burs makes you preparing the canals layer by layer which will actually waste your time.

6- You can use a magnifying mirror or even microscope which would allow to place the mirror at a far distance and you can see from the mirror or microscope how the handpiece is doing the preparation without water cooling splasher from the handpiece wetting the mirror.

7- Make your preparation wide don't make drop outline. It is advisable to make a wider and deeper preparation because if you make a small drop especially with a round bur you won't see what is inside clearly on reaching the pulp chamber. In simple terms, it is better to make it wider as possible as you can without exceeding the normal outline and also to save your time.

8- Also try to use sodium hypochlorite solution which is an irrigant before flaring and widening of the canals as this would allow you to see the canals clearly including the shape and outline due it's bleaching properties and eventually saving your time.

Last but least, always have in your thoughts the possible locations of a canal orifice depending on the tooth in question.

For instance, in anterior teeth or centrals, the access cavity preparation is always on the middle distal to palatal surface or lingual surface while for posterior teeth such as premolars and molars the access cavity is a little bit shift to the mesial half of the tooth.

The root canal orifices are usually located at the aforementioned parts of the tooth as preparation on locations of the tooth would likely lead to no canal findings and even causing more destruction of the dental tissues.

That's all as regards, tips and tricks to save time and moments in access cavity preparation and also achieving an effective preparation.

Stay Blessed and happy Blurting 🎉

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