Why president Putin invade Ukraine and doesn't care about European sanction

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Anything involving Russia United States and NATO tends to have all characteristics of 21st century, memes was initiated official account media on mainstream, the only clarity we had have in a while is that the American citizen are on their o


But why is there tension? what is the missing pieces the mainstream news isn't covering every? Are the saying correct that Vladimir Putin is a relentless aggressor trying to invade neighboring countries and drawing of resurrecting the Soviet union ? Why is Russia justifying the saying that United States and its allies are hostile breaking promises and deliberative and encircling Russia ? This is a strong about war ,loss, betrayal and the Central of it's all the largest military alliance in the world

The coverage of this crisis terms to downplay the role of central player,the north Atlantic treaty organization also know as NATO ,if the NATO had stuck with providing basic security against Russia or any one is for used original membership of West European countries you would have no crises today, un backing NATO is key to understand Russia action

NATO was born right after WWII an alliance against the Soviet Union is growing influence and his massive army in the world is forgotten that it was the Soviet Union that made the biggest contribution in the 15 Nazi Germany and round 27 millions of that died in the second world war this is almost unimaginable dead this is crucial to understanding why the formation of NATO major Russian feel like the world will betray them

What does NATO means , the NATO treaty has a section 5 article that's is that an attack on one member country should be seen as an attack on all which is useful determined if you are worried about being invaded by the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 without an article 5 ever been you woke by any of NATO member 16 members countries , but since the Soviet Union ended historically anti sovient alliance has doubled to 30 members, tillreda caisson daddy include some countries that were part of the Soviet Union and other rights in Russia border, understandably some of those eastern European countries how do we experience living under the subway in termination and the fear of Soviet tanks rolling across the border

Joining NATO and keeping it a loan was seen as a good buffer against repeating that is true so they will mobilize ethics lobbies and in America in a particular to agitate ,to press for the expansion of NATO to other countries but the united state as the bigger members and the primary weapons provider also as it's reason for growing NATO

During the world war natto existed two defend western Europe against sovient union imagine of course the Soviet Union never attack Western Europe so NATO never had to fight ,so after the cold war, there's no reason for NATO to be existed , unfortunately what they get was very much , just just fridge will find you a new reason for not to to exist when is actual a reason to exist had vanish ,you know the phrase `"out-of-area or out of mission"

And then not to begin to Castle on 4 places to do things this was also who is of pleacing the Americas in order to keep the Americas in Europe, remember is a little earlier we'll talk about the Russian sense of betrayal,

Remember a little earlier we talk about Russia sense of Virginia this is where is come from as early as 1990 us diplomat reportedly promise" not on inch eastward" of NATO expansion but this promise was actually never written down so do us says there was no formal agreement Russia insist that's there was a verbal agreement and that is because the US and it not like NATO wasn't aware or false growing the alliance could mean

Boris Yeltsin, Russian first post-soviet president warned even back then that any expansion will trigger the flame of war posting across the whole of Europe will know what happened next nato responded to take in former communist states of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republic of Latvia Estonia and Lithuania in 2007 the United States and a couple of other NATO countries prayers for NATO members Ukraine and Georgia as well this believe that the Russians have that they were tricked after the Fall of Soviet Union, this is where that sense of betrayal comes from now weather is justified or not is a matter of opinion

What does matter is that this is a big reason why relation between Russia and the west are the way they are and why there's so much mistrust between , some other NATO countries wanted Ukraine to join in 2007 that probably played a part in Russia decided to invade and annexe Crimea in 2014

Quick refresher criminal background was a part of green Church Historically it has been a part of Russia , today the streets of Crimea is complicated summation recognise Russia annexation, Wilder like the United States do not

Historically Russia does not have connect to that region but more importantly it has a major naval base there obviously if Ukraine is annatto and creamer is part of Ukraine, you know nothing is not going to tolerate a Russian neverbeast on 02 territory sooner or later nothing is going to see to Russia get out

As going Russia has said we didn't lose 500,000 men in Crimea in the second world war to be expelled by Europe, now since the invention of creamier the US has gotten further involved in Ukraine providing about 90% of country military aid ,and that does not look good on Russia leadership

Putin say what they are doing and territory of Ukraine or do you are trying to do and they are planning is not a thousand of kilometres from our national border is at the doorstep of our house

Well from a strategic point of view it means exactly that is means what it will mean to American if Mexico try to join a Chinese lead military alliance but while that analogy make sense Russia has continued to interfere in Ukraine other than actually occupying and harnessing part of the country ,Russia has also swap supported Russia separtist and launched cyber attack

Yes a lot to the agreement that Russia just doesn't respect ukraine's sovereignty especially when President Putin has already said on record that I believe that Russian and Ukrainian I want people One Nation in fact, so is Queen actually going to join out to putting more of Russian border or against the hostile alliance, possibly not, there is no chance of the Ukraine ever becoming member, in fact NATO members I did not prepared to guarantee Ukraine defense, saying wrong way all of this is an argument about nothing, joining address is like signing up for Netflix,

in order for new members to join all the current members have to approve the reason why Ukraine and Georgia using journal that us wanted them to is that France and Germany said no, NATO rules also require a country to not have any contested border or territorial dispute before joining

Part of Ukraine has already been annexed by Russia and Russia backed a separatist are fighting for the control of other territory so if all this is an argument about nothing then why all this huffing and puffing from Putin ?

From Russians point of view having Ukraine as an American Ally without being in NATO is just as bad as having Ukraine in NATO, as long as there is tug of war over Ukraine and give instructions between Russia, the US and NATO there always be a chance of what to break out, what you must not do in deeply divided country is faced with clear and unavoidable shared between Russia and the west neutrality in my beer isn't entirely feasible solution and one which by the way does not prevent Ukraine from developing as a free market democracy

I believe this problem started when us want Ukraine to be part of NATO and Russia fear they'll gang up against them ,when there is no reason for organization to exist,it's shouldn't,why creating another problem

I was blank about what course the problem ,why Russia invade Ukraine,all credit goes to AJ
It's a video you can check it out

Like the my people always say ,we only know the beginning of war know one knows what will comes after,I pray the war not excalate to world war

Bless me ,bless you ,bless the blurt community

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