How to earn lakhs of rupees from tomato farming, know when it should be done and how much it will cost.

in r2cornell •  9 months ago 

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If you are interested in farming then you can earn huge profits from tomato farming. This is the right time to start tomato cultivation. Seeds are sown for tomato cultivation only during July August These days the retail prices of tomatoes are between Rs 40-50. Tomato is such a vegetable, which people not only use in making their vegetables, but also eat it as salad. Let us know everything about tomato cultivation.
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Although the whole year is good for tomato cultivation, but most of the farmers in North India cultivate it twice. The first one starts from July August and continues till February March and the second one starts from November December and continues till June July For this, first of all you have to prepare the nursery by planting tomato seeds.
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For tomato cultivation, you will first have to prepare a nursery. You can prepare this nursery in seed link tray or if you want, you can prepare it on the ground also. The advantage of the seed link tray will be that you can move it around easily. Also, when you plant these plants in the field after a month-and-a-half, the plants will not suffer any transfer shock. Let us tell you that if the roots of the plants are shaken while transferring them to the field, then the plant starts withering in a few days and sometimes even starts drying up.
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If you are thinking of cultivating tomatoes, then first plow the soil of the field thoroughly two-three times. Also ensure that there is no shortage of any nutrients in the field. If there is deficiency, you can compensate it with cow dung manure or other types of fertilizers. Keep in mind that rain water should not stagnate in the field, otherwise the plants may get damaged. About 15 thousand plants are planted in one hectare (two and a half acre) field. Plants start bearing fruits about 2-3 months after they are planted in the fields. Let us tell you that tomato crop can last for 9-10 months.
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Selection of good quality seeds is most important in tomato cultivation. Also, it is necessary to spray insecticides on the plants from time to time. In tomato cultivation, you should support the plants using bamboo and wire. Tomato plants should be planted on bamboo by tying a wire in the field. Due to this, air also passes through them well, harvesting of tomatoes also becomes easier and spraying pesticides etc. on tomatoes also becomes easier.

If you are thinking of cultivating tomatoes, then you should first understand what your expenses will be and how much profit you will get. First of all, you will have to spend 40-50 thousand rupees on seeds for tomato cultivation in one hectare. Bamboo and wire will cost you around Rs 70-75 thousand. near
Mulching paper worth Rs 20-25 thousand will also be required. Apart from this, you will also have to spend some money on labor and plowing will also cost money. Your total expenditure may come up to Rs 2.5-3 lakh. Normally 25-30 tonnes of tomatoes can be found in one hectare. In such a situation, if your tomato is sold for just Rs 20 per kg, you can earn Rs 5-6 lakh.

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