Hello guys, you can earn a lot by rearing goats.

in r2cornell •  9 months ago 

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Hello guys how are you all, I hope you all are well. In today's post, we are going to tell you how you can earn good income by rearing goats on the roof of your house. Friends, today we are going to tell you about the goat breed that you can rear on the roof of your house.

Talking about the price of a goat, this goat is sold for more than ₹ 100000 There are many people in our country who like to do animal husbandry along with farming. Be it local fish farming, goat farming or poultry farming, today we will tell you about a goat whose breed you can rear even on the rooftop of your house. So keep reading this post carefully. The goat breed we are talking about is Totapuri and Sirohi breed of goats. So let us know about the specialty of this goat.

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Friends, let us tell you that you can grow goats of Totapuri and the introduced breed on the terrace of your house and the demand for goats of this breed is very high in the market. You can easily rear goats of Sirohi and Totapuri breed on your terrace. If we talk about Sirohi and Totapuri, then farmers must have noticed that goats of this breed are very expensive.

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You will have to take good care of this goat, you will have to give mineral mixer and green fodder in its food. You should not allow moisture to accumulate in the area where you will keep Totapuri breed of goats. If it is not kept at that place then the risk of pneumonia may increase. You will have to clean them every three-four days.

Now talking about profit, let us tell you that if you buy goats of Totapuri or Sirohi breed when they are 3 months old, then you can get one goat for a good ₹ 40000 When this goat is two and a half years old, its price is ₹ 100000 So you can earn a lot by rearing this goat.

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