Hello guys, today we have made bottle gourd curry. A lot of testing has been done.

in r2cornell •  9 months ago 

Today we went to the market for a walk, we bought 2 kg bottle gourd at the shop, we came to our room, cut the bottle gourd into small pieces, wash it well in water and put it in a vessel, add some turmeric and salt and Pour some oil in the pan and cook it well. After cooking, free it and it tastes good.

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How to cultivate bottle gourd, know here

At this time, many farmers would be preparing to plant the summer gourd crop. There are many questions in the minds of farmers as to what they should do while cultivating gourd so that they do not have to suffer losses.
Answers to many such questions of farmers have been given in this week's Pusa news. ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute releases Pusa Samachar for farmers every week. Dr. JK Ranjan, scientist of the Vegetable Science Division of the institute, is answering many such questions of the farmers.

Sowing of summer crops is done in late February to March. To get an early crop in the summer season, its seedlings can be prepared in a poly house and planted directly. For this, it is sown in a plastic bag or plug tray by placing cocopeat, perlite, vermiculite in the ratio 3:1:1.

Similarly, it can be sown in the month of December and transplanted in the month of February. Rainy sowing is done from the end of June to the first week of July.

To get good production in bottle gourd cultivation, varieties developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Naveen, Pusa Santoshi, Pusa Sandesh can be planted. Sowing or planting of this crop is done by making drains. As far as possible, make the direction of the drain from north to south and plant the plants and seeds to the east of the drain.images (59).jpeg
In the field, the incidence of red insects, which we also call red pumpkin beetle, is very high at the stage of 2 to 3 leaves of the plant. To avoid this, farmers should make a solution of 200 ml dichlorophos in 200 ml water and spray it at the rate of 1 acre (To kill this insect, spray it before sunrise. After sunrise, these insects hide inside the ground. As far as possible, plants should be grown on scaffolding during the rainy season, this will reduce the problem of rotting of plants during the rainy season and the yield will also be good.

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