in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Social media is a domain for all things real and unreal, it is a digital space responsible for interactions , an communication that facilitates the creation and sharing of information faster through virtual communities.

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It's a different world of its own where people from all works of life meet and share interest. It is presently one of the fastest way to interact with people living in the different class. It is an open line to success, fame and access (you can get to talk to your favorite celebrities, role models and even the government. Social media is a No Man Land.

Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, discord , steem, hive have impacted greatly in the lives of many , these are great places to find people with similar interests and vibes, to make friends with people that normally we wouldn't have been able to meet due to one barrier or the other, such as distance, language, beliefs and so forth.

Some advantages of social media includes;

  1. It currently provides the biggest markets in the world, since there's a lot of users, people have been made millionaires by owing online business, selling goods and services to people who are too busy or lazy to get it at stationary shops.

  2. It has helped a lot of people bring exposure to their craft and talents, some have become known faces and celebrities just by the use of their phone to create contents from the comfort of their homes without having to engage ant physical effort.

  3. it exposes people to life changing information and opportunities.

  4. It keeps us updated with things happening in the different parts of the world, news on social media spreads faster.

  5. It gets us connected to amazing people from all over the world.

Even though social media is full of many advantages, there are also some disadvantages of it, these includes;

  1. keeping up is time consuming as you must always come up with new contents to entertain viewers or risk loosing fans.

  2. A lot of cyber bullying, some people get bullied for speaking what is just and right. An incident occurred recently in Nigeria, some who posted that she needed help on twitter after being involved in an accident was called a liar until she list died.

  3. It causes lack of emotional connection, sometimes face to face interaction expresses our emotions better.

  4. it may cause an invasion of privacy especially for celebrities.

  5. it sometimes makes people to have impractical expectations, and a low self esteem

6.there's a high risk of fraud/scam and identity thefts.

However, regardless of the disadvantages of social media, the advantages are more important. Therefore it is essential to make use if the advantages and see hoe we can balance both the merits and the demerit of it. You can also control how you are been affected by it, either positively or negatively.

Thanks for reading, I am @adesojisouljay.

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