Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
- Wet in occasional rain.
- Praying during the rains.
- Walking in solitude with his wife at night.
- Don't blame your wife for cooking halal food. If you don't want to eat, keep quiet.
- If you don't know anything, admit that I don't know.
- Occasionally raising his head towards the sky in danger. Look up at the sky and tell Allah about your troubles.
- If you are very happy, fall down in prostration.
- Don't eat smoked hot food until it cools down.
- Debt lending (interest free loan).
- The naafil and sunnat prayers are recited at home.
- Performing two rak'at prayers while leaving the house and returning home.
- Don't wear standing shoes, especially show shoes.
- No matter how good the food, don't eat on a full stomach.
- After Fajr prayers, reciting tasbeej while sitting at the place of prayers. Then perform two rak'at prayers after sunrise.
- Learning a new language in order to facilitate the call to religion.
- Going to the mosque to perform ablution at home, wiping hands and feet with a handkerchief.
- Resolving disputes between people.
- Sleeping in the aju state at night.
- Occasionally walking barefoot.
- Writing a will about wealth and children before death.
May Allah grant us the grace to act on these, Amen.