Protecting the environment is not only a collective responsibility but also a personal responsibility!

in r2cornel •  2 years ago 

Just as food is important for survival, so is the environment. So we have a moral responsibility to protect the environment. Because the well-being of the environment means our well-being. So everyone from the individual level just has to play an important role in protecting the environment.


image source: pixabay

How risky the environment is becoming day by day! We all know a little bit about this. So if it is not defended very quickly, it will become dangerous for the distant future. Recently many countries are facing the effects of environmental pollution. So now is the time for everyone to play an important role in protecting the environment. Because the environment is very important for the survival of each of us.

We all know that the environment is changing from bad to worse because of us. Which is becoming a threat to our future. But to be honest, even though we know about this, there is no initiative on our own. We think this is not our problem. There are a lot of big people, starting from environmentalists, to blow their noses in this matter. And because of our negative perceptions, no one cares about the environment. Some people talk about this at certain times but later forget about it again.

So we should take some steps on our own. That is to play a role in protecting the environment. Doing one's duty without talking about who is doing what. Do not play a role in self-serving pollution. That means we should all be such that we do not pollute the environment. Or the environment should not be polluted by us. And we can do anything for the environment. Even if we plant at least one tree, we can contribute to the protection of the environment. Or stay away from littering somewhere. Do not use anything that is harmful to the environment. Let's walk the path together and play an important role in protecting the environment on our own initiative.

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