Bring out the humanity!

in r2cornel •  2 years ago 

People have been living together in a social or group way since ancient times by cooperating with each other. Since then, people have been living in groups or socially in pursuit of their needs. Since then, people have been involved in matters of affection, love and respect for each other. But times have changed. And with the change of time, our respect or affection or respect or love for each other has decreased a lot.

Nowadays, people behave in many ways. In fact, there are many people living in our society whose affection, love or respect is not clear to see which is real and which is fake. People's minds have also changed with the passage of time. So at the present time people have very little respect or love for each other. Nowadays people are looking for opportunities. Don't forget to hurt others whenever you get the chance. People do not hesitate to harm the person they love.


image source: pixabay

Today I saw in a news that a wife cut her husband to pieces due to her extramarital affair. How can a deranged human being do such a thing? A few days ago I saw a man hit a small child in the street and hit him with a brick during the day. The child was killed due to previous enmity. There are many such cases. Which is evidence of the perversion of humanity.

A few months ago there was a motorist in our district town. Who has no legs. The man was a disabled person but he used to run his family through his own hard work. But a disabled man was beaten by the police and his car was vandalized for not paying tribute to a policeman. In the same way, when we steal a rickshaw or drive a car, we misbehave with the rickshaw driver or the driver or the contact person. Which identifies our bad mentality.

To be honest, at the present time, when a person is in danger, no one comes forward. Because everyone thinks that if you are in the trouble of others, you should not take that trouble on your own shoulders. So everyone watched the joke from a distance. This is exactly what happens in our lives when other people do the same thing. So we should change. That is humanely. That humanity has a hand of love, respect, affection and cooperation towards each other. Let's pull out our humanity. So let's embellish our humanity.

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