Success will be achieved, not failure.

in r2cornel •  3 years ago 

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As far as the idea of career selection is concerned from this discussion, it can be said that this choice has to be made on the basis of inherent quality and interest of the individual. The biggest thing in this case is setting a very high goal. Most people make mistakes at this stage.

Many do not dare to set this lofty goal. They lag behind due to lack of self-confidence and uninterrupted pursuit. A review of the biographies of self-interested people in the history of the world, however, gives a different picture, which shows that it is possible to overcome many obstacles in order to gain a foothold in life.

We see in the struggling life of the people, how the blind man Milton became a world famous poet by astonishing everyone in the history of the world through his pursuit. How a deaf man Beethoven became a music composer.

Helen Killer, a blind, dumb and deaf girl, passed BA with the highest marks in her college at the age of 24 and later earned her doctorate. How Abraham Lincoln, the son of a carpenter and a grocer became the most influential president of America, the most influential country in the world.

And if you ask the question of excuses, how much will be found to fall behind in life. But do selfish people do that? Then Roosevelt could have excused his immobile legs. Truman could have blamed the lack of college education for the failure. Kennedy could tell. How can I be president at such a young age? Johnson and Eisenhower could make excuses for their heart disease.

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