Instructions for spending money.

in r2cornel •  3 years ago 

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Instructions for spending money.

Islam teaches to spend money instead of saving. But spending does not mean living a life of luxury and ease; Rather, it imposes the condition of 'Allah's way' in spending. In other words, the surplus money that a person in the society has in excess of his needs should be spent for the welfare of the society. That is the way of Allah.

“They are asking you what they will spend. Tell them what you need (so spend)And make good use of your parents, relatives, the needy, the needy neighbors, the unrelated neighbors, the friends you meet, the travelers and the slave girls.

Candidates and the deprived have a right to their wealth. Here, the views of Islam and capitalism became completely different. Wealthy people think that spending money will not reduce the money but it will be blessed and increase. Satan threatens you with poverty and commands shameful deeds like stinginess; But God promises you forgiveness and extravagance.

Wealthy people think that if they spend something, it is wasted. But Islam says, no, it is not ruined, but its best benefits will come back to you. Whatever you spend on good deeds, you will be repaid in full, and you will not be wronged.

Those who spend secretly and openly from my provision expect a business in which there is no possibility of loss at all. GOD will reward them in full, but He will give them more.
Wealthy people think that investing in usury business by acquiring wealth increases wealth. But Islam says, no, wealth is reduced through interest. Wealth increases only when money is invested in good deeds.

GOD eliminates usury, and rewards those who give alms. Know that the interest you pay in the hope of increasing one's wealth will never increase with Allah. The amount of money that you give for the sake of Allah is only increasing.

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