Competitive economy.

in r2cornel •  3 years ago 

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Then, as this conflicting rivalry grows, so does the number of the rich class decrease and the number of the poor class increases. The nature of this conflict is such that the rich take advantage of the wealth of the less fortunate and push them into the category of the poor and needy. Thus, day by day, the wealth of the world becomes more and more in the hands of less and less people and more and more people become poorer and poorer day by day or become dependent on the rich.

At first, the conflict started in a short range. Then it spreads from country to country and from nation to nation. Even gradually swallowing the whole world. This process does not end here; Even then he kept shouting 'I want more, I want more'. The process by which this inequality occurs is that when some people in a country have surplus wealth in their hands, they invest the surplus wealth in profitable activities and this money is spent on the production of essential commodities.

Now that their invested capital has risen, the profit depends on the product being sold inside that country. But in reality this does not always happen and basically it cannot happen. Because those who have less resources than they need, their purchasing power is weak. So they can't buy government things despite the need. On the other hand, those who have extra assets invest a large portion of their income in pursuit of higher profits.

So they do not spend their entire capital on purchasing goods. As a result, a large part of the manufactured goods inevitably remain unsold. In other words, a portion of the money invested by the rich remains unpaid. This money is owed to the industry [INDUSTRY] of the country. This is just a state of rotation. Thus, every time the capital is rotated, the capitalists will re-invest a portion of their earnings in profitable activities and the amount of unpaid money will increase with each rotation.

In this way the debt to the domestic industry doubles, quadruples, multiplies a thousand times, which is never possible for the state itself. In the process, each country is in extreme danger of bankruptcy. There is only one way out of this situation. That is to arrange for the sale of all the unsold goods in the country and abroad. That is, to find a country that can impose its own bankruptcy.

In this way, this conflicting rivalry crossed the borders of the country and entered the international arena. It is clear that not only one country is governed by a satanic economy, but this system has been introduced in many countries of the world. Every country is forced to impose its own bankruptcy on another country in order to save itself from bankruptcy. This is how the international competition begins. And this competition takes several forms.

First, each country competes to sell its products in the international market. Everyone tries to produce more products at the lowest cost. As a result, ordinary people earn so little in the economic affairs of the country that their real needs are not met.

Second, each country imposes restrictions on the import of goods from other countries under its jurisdiction and sphere of influence. It imposes strict controls on all kinds of raw materials under its control, so that no other country can seize them. This led to the beginning of the international conflict, which resulted in the outbreak of war.

Third, countless plunderers flock to countries that cannot defend themselves against the threat of bankruptcy imposed by other countries. Not only do they sell their surplus products in that country, but they also invest in those countries for the purpose of looting the profits which they do not have the opportunity to use for profit in their own country. In the end, the same problem arises in these countries, which first arose in the countries investing money in their own countries. In other words, the amount of money they invest in these countries is not fully recovered.

On the other hand, they invest a large part of the income from this investment in more profitable activities. In the end, the debt burden on the countries increases so much that even if the whole country is sold for cash, the whole world will eventually go bankrupt. Then there will be no country left in the world to impose the burden of this bankruptcy. Even in the end one has to rush to Mercury, Jupiter or Mars in search of markets to invest money and run surplus goods.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Upvoted! Just because you do not have outgoing delegations / report plagiarism.