Bad leadership is bad.

in r2cornel •  3 years ago 

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The grim picture I have painted so far is the result of only one aspect of satanic leadership. The consequences of the other side of satanic leadership are even more dire. The principle of 'hoarding and investing in acquiring more wealth' than the real need is absolutely wrong.

It is clear that the means by which Allah, the Exalted, has created the earth to meet the real needs of the universe and man. Fortunately, if you have some extra wealth, know that the other part is in your hands. Why are you accumulating it and building a mountain of wealth? Look around you, you will see those who are unable to earn a living, or those who have failed to earn a living, or those who have received less than their real needs, will think that these are the people whose livelihood has come into your hands.

They could not extract; So you deliver it to them yourself. This is the right policy. Instead, if you use that wealth to gain more wealth, it will be an extreme mistake. Because the more resources you collect with these, the more you will need.

So what could be more beneficial than gaining wealth after wealth and satisfying your perverted greed and lust through them! You spend as much of your time, energy, and resources as you can to earn a living, but only if they are properly and reasonably applied. But when you use them to gain extra wealth, it means that you are an economic beast, but nothing more than a money-making machine.

But in addition to using your time, labor and mental and physical skills to earn money, there are many other great and good applications. So this principle is completely erroneous from the point of view of conscience, intellect and nature, which Satan has taught his disciples. Moreover, the course of action that has been devised to implement this policy is so cursed that the consequences are so terrible that it is hard to imagine.

More money than needed can be invested in two ways to grab more money. One. Provide interest based loans. Two. Investing in trade and industry. There is, of course, some difference between the two approaches. But the inevitable consequence of the combined action of both methods is that society is forced to split into two classes.

One class is those who own more wealth than their actual needs and invest that wealth in the pursuit of more wealth. This class of people tends to be less in number. The second category is those who are entitled to less than or equal to their actual needs, or are completely deprived.

This class is much larger in number than the first class. The interests of both classes are completely different, contradictory and conflicting. Not only that, but the relationship between the interests of both classes is conflicting, conflicting and contradictory. In this way, nature established the human economic system on the basis of healthy and consensual exchange policy, based on conflict and hostile rivalry.

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