African star apple is a native fruit that is popularly called "Udara" and "Agbarumo" by the Igbos and Yourubas. It is scientifically known as"Chryspphyllum albidum", it is from sapotaceae family, it grows in tropical regions of African countries like Uganda and Nigeria. Some are usually green and some are usually yellow when ripened. The white pulp from it is used to make syrup, marmalade, jams, juice and soft drinks. The oil from it is a strong antioxidant use for medicinal purposes.
The African star apple contains water, dietary fibre, protein, carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, zinc, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, Vitamin E and flavonoids.
African star apple has lots of healthy properties, in Nigeria it is used for medicinal purposes.
African star apple contains Antimicrobial properties; The extracts from the seeds is a good antibacterial and antifungal remedy.
They contain natural antioxidant (such as Vitamin C, E, and A) which helps to prevent oxidative damage of the body cells and promote a healthy heart.
African star apple is a good source of anti-inflammatory substances like alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenol that helps to reduce inflammation and prevent chronic health issues like heart problems, cancer, diabetes and stroke.
It contains a high level of potassium which is healthy for a person with high blood pressure.
African star apple contains fiber and natural antioxidants which helps to lower blood sugar, fight oxidative damage and also prevent diabetes.
The presence of fibre and pectin in it helps to prevent different types of cancer like colorectal cancer.
African apple contains Saponins that helps to prevent bad cholesterol from entering the blood stream.
The pectin and fibre nutrients in it helps to cure and prevent diarrhea.
African star apple helps to prevent obesity and prevent weight loss, because of the presence of high fibre content in it.
It contains copper and manganese aids in energizing the the enzymes in the body. The Potassium, calcium and phosphorus in it enables the body to maintain a balanced electrolytes, transmit brain signals and build strong bones and teeth.
The zinc present in African star apple helps to promote the growth and maintenance of body cells.