Why did you create this world ?

in qotw •  3 years ago 


Even for a simple human being everything should have a meaning, or a clear purpose.

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So, in case we are sure about the existence of god. And in case he is the one who created this world. And If I had to ask only one question to the god. I would ask him : ''Why did you create this world ?''. It doesn't mean that I'm upset with the world, or I don't like it, but this world surely could be much better. I know that religious people believe in the destiny and that every thing is planned and everything is for a reason. So, recently I head a guy telling that all what's happening in the world, from the virus, to wars, to what governments are doing, is because of people themselves. They kind of turned to worse people by time, like most people don't care that much about others. In case someone has troubles, they will not save him/her or help, they prefer to record that on smartphone and to show that on the web for impressions. There is a lot of jealousy, bad wishing, depravity, corruption, profit, lies. People turn to materialists, fewer people care about morals and principles. That's why people are punished. That's what was said by the guy in telegram.

I kind of agree with that guy, but in case that's the case, why they should be punished for that if the god itself created this world, and he created people with all those qualities. While he could create us as angels, not being able to do any bad thing. Why to punish for what you gave to people ? Or maybe you have a purpose from that, and you gave us all that to test us ? But we are not an experiment ? Or we are ? And why in this case to experiment on alive people, that don't sound good as well. But if I will understand the reason behind creating such world. That will be better for me. I'm looking for that question for many years in my life and I guess I will never find it. Of course a better question that I asked many religious people, and they couldn't answer, is ''If there is a god, who created the god itself, or where he came from ?'' That may make me not that sure about the existence of god, but I don't want to discuss that for now. I prefer to not look for that question and just believe that the god exist. Because looking at what's happening in the world. I don't see any other solution except praying to god to help us. Or that power that created this world, because I can't as well believe that this world was created by accidentally. It's too organized, too complicated and too mysterious.

I don't know what would the god answer me if I ask him why he created this world. But let's suppose I'll be able to do that. Let's suppose he will be able to answer me. I would like him to tell me what I believe in now and what I always write about. That the world was created to make people enjoy their life and to make them improve and have a better future. Humanity was able to do many great things in the last century. From improving transportation, to a better medicine, to better communication, but we seem failing in eliminating the evil. We seem failing to build the real decentralization. We seem failing to have a better system of governance between countries and even inside each country. Or failing to create a world without any borders to make it easier for everyone to live. I really would to hear from the god that all those who are creating evil will be punished. Because I see mostly innocent people suffering, even in the animal words, the big fish is eating the little, the predators attack herbivores, sometimes not even to eat them, but to play with them.

I wish the god really exist, and I wish him giving us a second chance, and I wish we will use it for our best. Because the way we are all living maybe the thing that lead us to all this. And it can be worse if we don't change. We kind of like to fight each other for any reasons, some because of the race, some because of the gender, some because of nationality, some because of ideology, and many other things that make us fight. Especially if we are pushed by others to fight. They seem turning us against each other by purpose. In this case we should be reasonable and to not let anyone or anything divide us. Once we agree about something, another is created to divide us, and it's working. And in case we solve our problems with the other thing, more things are created again and again, and we fall in the trap of hating each other and dividing again and again. We should learn from the history to not buy it again. We should stay united no matter of our differences. It's hard to do, but we should !

Maybe I related politics to a simple question asked. But creating the world is the reason behind anything, including politics. If I just know why the world was created, I will understand the purpose of each person on earth including mine. I have the right to know because I'm a little piece of this world. Answer me god please !

This is my entry to the following contest : If you could ask God ONE question and God would give you an immediate answer, what would the question be and what answer would you want to hear?.

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I can't say about what other religion says but here is what i have learnt and understand in my religion.

There are things that will be happening to you in your entire life span for example you will die one day and that can't be changed. But putting blame on the god saying that he created us this way is a wrong statement.

God gave us brain that's the most precious thing we have. We have ability to think and that's why on the day of judgment one will not be able to say that you created me in such a way that i murdered someone or raped someone.

Also if we were angels there was no point of creating this world as Angel don't do mistake and they are pure at heart. That's why in my religion god says that humans are more valuable than angels though Angels do not commit sins and humans commit sins.

But people who stop themself because they know it is wrong and they have to answer god one day they stop themself from doing any sins. That's why human can have a greater value than angels.

I wish the god really exist, and I wish him giving us a second chance, and I wish we will use it for our best.

There will be no second chance , this is one life and we have to do anything we want to do in this life.

Thank you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If there is no second chance for humanity, I see them screwing up every change they were given during the history. And trust me, I know the religion you are talking about very well. I lived in Algeria 12 years and I know Arabic language. But my post is about pure philosophy. Pure reasonable common sense. Because there are so many things to learn in this world expect religion. And when we try to look at things from the point of view of our sciences like philosophy, we start to ask questions. I personally don't like to be limited in my imagination, that's why I asked so many people to answer me about the existence of god himself and where he came from. Most religions tell me that's a taboo to ask about. And it's strange that no one know the answer. But again about the second chance. I don't mean the second change to live another life, because I know that the religion tells that we have only one, while there are other religions that talk about reincarnation and that how bad people are reincarnated in other bodies to be punished for other things they did. By second chance, I mean the second chance of all humanity. Because it seems that we are ( most of us I mean ) aren't doing things the right way. That may lead to the extinction of humanity in the future. Or because of those who are experimenting with virus, bioweapons, or just because of a war that will destroy everything and everyone. It's the second chance for everyone or the majority of us to do things right to lead humanity to a better future, peaceful and harmonic world.

The reason why people ask who created god is because we have seen that everything is being created by someone.

There is a reason god is god and human are human. The word used for good is khuda , something that is from the very beginning and something that was not created by anyone and it will be there forever.

In quran allah keeps on saying that one day on the day of judgment people will accept their mistake and ask for the second chance but that will be too late. I guess i took the wrong meaning of your second chance.

Anyways , we have choice what we want to do in this world. Finding truth is difficult sometimes but i hope you get a answer that satisfies you.


I would like to apologise in case anyone is hurted with what i have written.

Thank you brother 🕊️

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't think that you hurt anyone, it's your opinion, and you have the right to say it. I'm glad you understand now about the second chance I meant. Thanks a lot for your comment. That really means a lot to me. By the way, I like how I have more comments in blurt than in other social media, it seems I have more like-minded people here. Really nice to meet so many of them. ☺

we First met on proofofbrain right and then we are here. I personally love blurt because it is a opportunity for everyone.

On other chains i see it really difficult specially for the new comers to get stable. On blurt we support each other and that's the beauty of this platform.

I also like the fact that there are no downvotes here 🙂

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Is there an ecotrain on Blurt?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It seems not. I just use some tags so I may find people from those communities. For example I use proofofbrain tag not to earn tokens, but just to support the tag everywhere. I don't know if it's a correct strategy or not, but that may give more attention to my content and more people will know what I think, so I may inspire more people. I'm planing as well to bring DCC here, but I need a developer who will generate those posts for me. I mean posts of the contest I create in hive. I write them manually and they consume a lot of time. I wish a developer here creating a bot that generate such posts once a week. Anyway, I plan to make DCC famous in all crypto communities. I may need partners to help me. Or new ideas to make that possible. The main idea of DCC is to reward those who promote others.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You got it. The actions you make influence others and also spark curiosity. These actions correspond with the motive of DCC so it is perfectly acceptable and effective from my point of view.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com