White wings
High ground
No sound
No Flings
No Diamond Rings
Before I began my heist of the bank of trust, I gave a hypothetical needle a sharp thrust. Into the eyes of all the unjust. I bathed in the blood of lust.
A loud first slow start left soundly silence in the mouth of Alice. She couldn't fathom why there was so much malice. The reason she was able to overcome it was because she held onto her chalice.
They forced her to gulp it down with a glare. It was the musical blare. She was aware and did not care. They gave her golden hair a fair share.
She would never dare to, but something told her she was more free than these who had no clue. There were only a few left over after the mess had turned blue. This, Horus, knew. The sun is rising in a new hue.
Blood stained skies
White bird flies