Comunidad españoles, lean esto. QOTD: Do you feel like giving up blogging? ||| Writing assignment/contest. Prize depends on you.

in qotd •  2 years ago 

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Are you feeling that something is blocking your path to being a writer?


Hello everyone. Its good to be here. Not on blurt.blug but on this plain of existence. These platforms like blurt that reward you for writing are, once you lose the greed for it, will be nothing more than golden stickers on a kindergarten class name board. Its an illusion.

A simple compliment can make a mans week. Boobs is just the currency that will make their day. Fuck the boobs, write, say, express a compliment about something they did but be specific.

My mind drifts. I hear the sounds around me. Cars zooming by. Music of all types playing, coming and going. Loud people. Laughs. Children playing. Cries. Yelling. foot steps. Tires crushing pebbles. Cats licking their paws. My dog Polilla* sneezing constantly due to allergies. Birds chirping. Phone clicks. Ringing in my ears. Blood flowing when everything else is silent. Gulps of a dry throat. Those birds again.

Everything you can muster up into thought you can write about with just one single question. "Why?"

Why those birds again? What about those birds? Is your response still idk, keep asking. Change the question and write it down.

Not ever are you going to recieve some magic help to come to your aid to liberate you from your fake "writers block". That shit just doesn't exist. You are writing. Every moment of your entire existing true being, you are writing. Don't try to understand that last bit if you don't know what I am saying, keep reading on.

Start to get distracted too easily from what you really want to finish while alone? Make it an impulse reaction that you control, to plug your ears, close your eyes and breathe!
But not in a bucket full of water.

Keep breathing untill you finish control breathing. You will know. Then you will find how fast you had that pencil back on paper again writing out your thoughts.

It doesn't matter if it is stupid to you. Or scary to you. Get it down on paper. Are your legs wanting to keep moving and its distracting you? Move them legs. Them stop writing or reading and do some exercise. Get tired a bit doing it. Sit down. Drink some water. Get back to writing or reading.

"There is just a vast amounts of things to do and I can not think to write."

That is a lie. Words are powerful. And we must be vigilant on how we say things. Especially the things we say in our heads about ourselves.

Go do the dishes, clean those floors, do the laundry, shower, get freshed up again. Finish your tasks and be observant as you can be doing it. Get back to writing. Finish that page. Write that draft. That is why it is a draft. Its ok to doodle. Enjoy the boring moments too when your mind goes blank. Those are times of peace. Just breathe. Sometimes they don't come that often but even just a few times every now and then, at the right moment, makes a world of difference.

Every single task or chore you tackle head on you finish it. It doesn't matter if you hate it sometimes.

Why are you leaving? What made you want to come to this platform? what was it that you were searching for? You didn't find what you were looking for? Maybe this community actually needs you to start it.

Whatever the topic may be. Be randome even. When you do it enough, you will find, what exactly it is that you enjoyed the most. You will be so successful in doing it, because you didn't give up.

Are you still feeling like you "can't write?" Write "your" name down right now. Good now don't stop. You see? You can write.

Get rid of can't from your own vocabulary.

"I can't stop that"

Seriously. Quit it. It takes will power. Everyone has it. But its the "where is it being directed at" scenario. You got work at distributing some of that will power into doing some things differently.

Even at my size of length in just words, is considered a micro post. I haven't even scratched the surface or maybe my feet are the only thing that is getting wet.

I do that at swimming pools. Sometimes, I just dive into the deep end.

Even randome lines that seem to just pop up. Write them down.

5 paragraphs. Write 5. Your going to write 14 twice first. Then you will reduce it to 10 and half it again and finally you will have the 1 that superseded them all and that is the one you will write for the public to see. After, the 7 gates of heaven shall open to you.

Also don't forget to run your paragraph that I know you went through so much mental exercises through a plagiarism checker before you blog it. Just laugh if it comes out as already written.
Just write about that then. Or start over. Write it in your own words.


Above is a picture of my pregnant cat Sophia. Named after "Pistis Sophia". She close to the day she gives birth and has been looking exhausted lately. She naps alot in this chair. This chair was the chair I used the most. Now she owns it.

You will write as your first assignment, A one thousand word or more essay about this photo. You will present it, when it is done, double checked, etc. You will not plagiarize anything. No need for research. This must come from within you.

Post it, use whatever tags you want. Title it howver you want. But no less than 1000 words. Post your content and then pass the link in any of my posts and let me know if its for this oh so not fun contest. Because this isnt about being fun. This is about getting you to keep writing and honing your skills. All of us together.

Every valid entry** will get liquid 5BLURTS automatically, . You may also use whatever picture you like. Whatever is necessary in your eyes to make your post neat, you do it. It would be as though you will make a post for yourself to share as you always have.

Then, once all listings have been entered by the end of the due date (a post announcing the last moments will settle that matter), I will organize all entries and YOU ALL will vote for which one deserves to be number 1. There will be no number 2. no number 3. No second or last place. If there are ties, a new post will be made to settle the remainder runnerups until there is only one left.

Votes will be final once post has reached its payout.

Votes will be counted as individual votes. so the weight of the vote does not matter. The earnings of those posts, will be noted and distributed to the winner.

Let me know what you think.

You may start to write now and prep it. Or daze off again. Visit a friend. Etc.

DUE DATE: MAY 30-31, 2022.
**On June 5th The anouncement for the date of first vote for the prize winner will made. to allow time for readers to read the material. These I will highlight in my post as I validate them.

Again, prize shall be the authors cut of THIS post of 50% and 10% of the authors cut of all my future QOTD posts will be added to the prize. And 100% of the authors cut of my the first announcement of all the valid entries, 100% Of any other post that may or not follow if no winner is settled. However to not Spam the chain with short low effort posts, I will just make a special comment on each of my QOTD posts of any updates. The total prize amount will be incrementing as the time moves forward

A special comment made by me giving the various announcements will be the method of introducingthe updates. This special announcement will be made in my semi-daily QOTD posts. The earnings of THAT comment are the ones that will be used to give as a prize.


Everything will be powered up.
Powering down now xamount to cover the entries and the prize will be paid when the power down gives the sufficient amount to pay off.
I think 5k should be enough for now so I can get a fair amount each of the 4 times it takes to power down.

Did I leave anything out? let me know in the comments below.

Criticism is always welcomed.

  • The double " ll" in "Polilla" sounds like a "Y". Poliya.

** after the assignment has been checked by me for any plagiarism

Now here are those "annoying" affiliates that I think you should also check out.


Ps. It doesn't necessarily have to be about the cat actually. Whatever sparked a topic from that photo and its description is valid. What did spark your words?

Remember its a semi-freewrite (because of the certain conditions) assignment/contest.

Do try to write your best though. I am not one to do checks for grammar as a pro. But sometimes it's really an eye soar to see it when it does occur.

Good luck.

Entries may be in Spanish and/or English only.




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