Shot Callers And Prophets of Not-Baalers

in qanon •  2 years ago  (edited)

Ms. T is not the first I’ve known to fall some in love with Elvis Presley.

I do love it when she gets a little Squeaky.

If memory serves, (smoked more weed than you), it wasn’t the Aloha version of this ear-worm experience but the Vegas one that Luke Winegarden kept in rotation on all of our adventures. From South Dakota infiltration exercise to “tee-hee this I-80 exit will work” Iowa.

Vegas. My near-lifetime consigliere loves Vegas.

Personally… those little lies are only irksome.

Tactically… they are problematic.

Thanks for the song and any efforts to clean up.


There is work to be done.

We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much, baby

Everybody should be able to enjoy this song from the nightmare circus perspectives we have earned.

I’m not in any traps. Not any I didn’t set myself.

I have however made promises to friends and Lord Jesus Christ himself requires I make good.

While I may not be in any traps, I do have experience with the fouler’s snare and find few who even want to talk about birds.

That remains sad for you, see?

Why can't you see
What you're doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say?

So many running away from the Q thing.

The false flag stench is like a fart in a car these days.

General Flynn himself calling it ‘idiocy’ and his partner Clay Clark is talking about asking the rocks to fall on him as he is headed underground.

I cannot run from my investigation of and promotion of the Q Anon military intelligence operation.

I also cannot run from my investigation into the claims and yes, the subsequent promotion of Austin Steinbart.

Best part about it is nor would I run. Like I said, most of the traps aren’t mine anymore even if pretty much my entire family don’t believe a word I say.

So if an old friend I know
Stops by to say hello
Would I still see suspicion in your eyes?
Here we go again
Asking where I've been
You can't see the tears are real, I'm crying
(Yes I'm crying)

When an old friend stops to say hello and then you know you have to call the werewolf.

I didn’t cry but anybody who is friends with @frankbacon knows that before you engage in one of those conversations you should have a hearty breakfast.


Here we go again indeed, Elvis.

Oh, let our love survive
I'll dry the tears from your eyes
Let's don't let a good thing die
When honey, you know I've never lied to you
Mmm, yeah, yeah

Hey! When the nightmare circus ends for you, if you end up being on Jesus’ squad, He promises to wipe all the tears away at the end!

That’s an always remember never forget for many I know whom are long enduring.

The days of forced and enforced ‘positivity’ are over.

We have been through this and I will gladly say it again in front of the class.

The elections are rigged. Your vote is not sacred.

What are you doing worshipping a state system in the first place for them to even push that meme on you?

Q Anon is a military intel psy-op that had coordination with the White House of President Donald J. Trump.

Austin Steinbart was ordered to identify as the man responsible for the Q drops.

There are narrative herders everywhere for this psy-op and they ALL talk about Q. I’ll name Will Sommer and let you recall the dozen or so you have awareness of.

Now I’m supposed to fear them?


Speaking of honey…yum. And #jawbone.

I can’t wait until the days these comms aren’t coded.

Let me be clear on this. There is a narrative coming and it is not going to be the truth. Many are going to believe it and will turn on a smaller group. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works.

The question becomes which group and where will you stand when that day comes.

I told a dear friend in the Steinbart-verse long long time ago that a day would come when peoples’ loyalty to Austin Steinbart would be severely challenged. She agreed.

That is an old and now intensifying pattern (or typing) of Jesus Christ and his followers.

Whatever that means to you, I have discussed it with my friend some over the years and can tell you that isn’t his doing.

He told you long ago he isn’t Jesus Christ.

Its an effective point of attack at Austin against some he seeks to reach.

Also easily thwarted with the most minimalist of coordination!

Speaking of that since I am name dropping @AustinSteinbart so much here and I spoke with @frankbacon for our typical hours yesterday…

The entire Steinbart clan of Sep 2020 that acquired a Hive blockchain account should have access to @blurt accounts already.

I don’t know what happened to "our keys are our life" but @frankbacon is all the way correct we should manage comms and more here instead of so many theres.

I don’t want to sales rep the blockchain but will because we need it. Anybody who hasn’t had the switch flipped on their social media should ask those who are targeted exactly the way Elon Musk is disclosing publicly.

We blame Luke. You can blame Wonder Woman and the promise I made to her at the picnic table. Either way…

We can't go on together
With suspicious minds (suspicious minds)
And we can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds


They are plenty prepared for two witnesses.

Folie-a-deux meme from the church of psycho-therapy.

We have more than deux. God is also my witness to that.

I know I am not the only one tired of watching our narrative come at us on their timetable.

Even the Q’s I’m able to persuade not to be Q feel that way.

Austin Steinbart is Q.

They made him be that.

My mockers especially better root for him.

I ask my brethren to pray for him.

Some of us owed Austin Steinbart before we met him.

We all owe Jesus even if we haven’t met him yet be sure.

I’m not letting go of this Buddy Holly story, either.

Some dogs know what to do when they catch the car.



Elvis had a Phoenix.


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