Hey FBI! A Merciful Offer From A Man Without Fear And A 40k Foot View

in qanon •  last year  (edited)

”Dear FBI, we all know that you are a crooked, evil, gangster-mafia and that many of you are authoritarian menaces that are trampling all over our constitutional rights.”

No need for thinly veiled anonymity with the old FBI on the last thread of social media I retained for this war.


I’ve been quantum-entangling feds on @AustinSteinbart’s un-requested behalf for a minute now. It was almost two and a half years ago that they came to visit me in person. They were investigating potential domestic terror activity ahead of the 2020 election and the plans of the diabolical @frankbacon that they didn’t even comprehend… until we spoke. Our calling out of the agents ahead of getting to face them in person is a matter of Social media content long deleted by the corporate-state-censorship-mashup being exposed by @ElonMusk and many others on ‘new’ Twitter.

As with all social media temporary efforts, the victories come when they turn us off. Yeah. Some of you missed that openly declared ethos. Appreciate ya for that.

The 302 report will verify that I spoke very openly with the FBI agents assigned to me about not only @frankbacon’s plans but @austinsteinbart’s plight and exactly what role they should play in helping us save this country of ours.

We need some good guys to cross the lines, guize.

Operators are standing by.

I’ve got a few law enforcement agents of varying jurisdiction level and geography that I root for personally. As with everybody I talk to with a patriotic love for good ‘ole America, the only logical conclusion for some of them is to root for me.

Better that they root for @AustinSteinbart.

The entangled that manage my events and monitor my communications know rooting for me is rooting for Austin.

”How does it make you feel to be spending your time and energy aggressively surveilling outrageous internet characters? To be sitting at your desk every day, cyber-stalking the shit out of a bunch of exotic social media influencers?”

After all these years your organization cannot answer one simple question…


Who did that? 👇🏽


That’s your boss getting cucked by one of the multiple people who had access to post as ‘Q’ and then have it deemed canon by others being robot controlled by a tech they must have compartmentalized your efforts in order to conceal from you.

You can’t tell us who posted that in July 2020?

Are you able to tell me what I was doing and who I was talking to in July 2020?



This isn’t even taunting. It’s offer.

We did taunting, as you well know.


“Teams ain’t set yet.”

Some will remember me irritating them with this reminder quite often during the now disappeared social media portion of this operation.

Offering good guys the opportunity to cross the lines and join our efforts is not only a sound tactical strategy… it is exactly how God would want us to do this.


Who gave me my Playbook is a question that has been shelved for better days.

I am commanded to forgive, and as my friends and the agents in charge of monitoring my ever amorphous role now in their own lives all know...

I do what my Commander wills.

Hey FBI agents…

How do you ensure that you are doing your own will in a world where you have to witness the supernatural in those you surveil?

The good guys who cross the lines in wars are those who refuse orders that go against their conscious.

How often have they rotated you out on my surveillance?

Do you know why?

You will. Send your best.

Forgiveness comes after repentance.

Every organization is like a big ball of kneaded dough here in beast world.

Those within the truth movement taking exception to a seemingly new shift in tactics from the King Wood of stochastic disclosure won’t be disappointed for long.

Time to start considering crossing those lines, my confused yet be sure quantum entangled adversaries.

I’ve already forgiven you. You know not what you do.

Yet be sure… not only is the writing on the wall but the fire is getting hot.

Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.
Hey FBI…The next time you come asking me about names we are going to start with Daniel.


We are taking applications at the new FBI.

@frankbacon and I told ya that 7 months ago…


F_BI fly high 40k foot viewz

Play the game. Learn to play the game


The signs and wonders were not for me.


Time ain’t a thing but we are still about out of it.

Welcome to your quantum entanglement, Bobby D…

I could really use you on the Buddy Holly story.

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  ·  last year  ·  


