Austin Steinbart is Quantum. Woe (And Mercy) To You Pharisees!

in qanon •  last year  (edited)

“He’s not the one pulling the strings.”

“He’s just a piece on the chessboard being robot controlled…

…like the rest of us.”

This is the most accurate and truthful description of the real world psy-op that many call ‘Q Anon’ as it stands today.

Woe to you who cried LARP! with your mockingbirded definition of a word you have not yet to understand the power of.

Woe to you who cried grifter! and followed your script about the profit being generated by a ragtag group of highly motivated media artists working out of our own pockets willingly.

Woe to you who cried felon! as a man was framed by a crooked system and left behind by a movement full of hypocrites crying for justice from that system.

Woe to you who cried lunatic! at a man silenced by captivity who would gladly tell you honestly of the events leading up to him making the claims that still disturb so many comfortable today.

Woe to you who cried Intel shill! at a man who has the skills of a spy and the backing of an amorphous army of fed-up truthers and way seekers that you couldn’t stop now if you should.

Woe to those who cried false flag trap! and don’t realize that not only is everything a psyop but everything is a false flag trap.

Incoming woe most of all to those who had the pressure of orders to insist that Austin Steinbart is not relevant!

It is time to repent.

This is a message to all the influencers we have touch points with along the way… Those we called Pharisee.

Praying Medic and his give send go jackpot.

Q Anon John who I hope returns my call soon. (They aren’t holding you actual hostage are they?)

Sather the thought leader.

The rest of you who may or may not yet know who you are.

You are at a precipice.

I offer peace.

I also offer the story of Austin Steinbart.

The fact that you were compelled to act the way you did is pretty well explained by Austin in the clip above.

The Quantum Internet / Artificial intelligence part of the fifth generation warfare you are engaged in.

I’ve always told you Austin is frustratingly forgiving towards you.

He can have your audience any moment he chooses to whether you have that figured out or not.

The garbage logic you employed to deem a man irrelevant while also accusing him of some of the most heinous desires towards a movement you espoused love for is now not relevant.

You gathered those flocks.

What kind of shepherd do you plan to be?

Q stood for Quantum.

Austin Steinbart is the ordered disclosure agent.

Artificial intelligence is in play.

Elon Musk has the Twitter files.

Some of you influencers know what that would look like for you were the data released Wikileaks style to a crowd who knows where to look.

There was a time when Austin offered you all adversarial interviews in front of your audiences. None of you took him up on that.

Did you make yourselves look like total cowards when it comes to this guy or did some quantum tech you’re not allowed to ask about or talk about do that?

You struggle with the responsibility that you have taken upon yourselves if you care about those flocks.

The wolves in sheep clothing amongst you struggle with how to keep that hopium influencer clout engine running.

Austin doesn’t need to beg any of your coverage. You need him to explain to you what the fuck is going on so you can tell the flocks that you called what is going on.

Any influencers who want to step up and speak with Austin Steinbart privately and get an idea of what he is trying to accomplish with this Q-uantum Movement have the opportunity to do so. To investigate directly what I already have and not take my word for it.

You have access to the information direct.

My only question is which one of you self-appointed leaders will have the courage to challenge and investigate the most censored story of the entire Q Anon movement?

In a world full of audiences looking to influencers for solace and leadership it is a matter of responsibility.

I’m not an influencer.

You’re being given a lifeline. Take it.

Otherwise it may become a matter of responsibility for me to ask you ‘Why not?’


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Well said Mike, crazy news cycles these days...

What's up?!?

So much going on. I am hoping to be in So-Cal again soon for an interview.

I hope the entangled are ready!

  ·  last year  ·  

Plenty of room


Still remember listening to this when it first came out in 76 while living on Lake Chaweva, WV...
Then my oldest brother Robert sent me a tape of the Top 30 in the UK in 1977 and music changed forever... All around the world, the jam 1977

  ·  last year  ·  

I only go back as far as Thriller.

was also listening to this in 76... guess I've always leaned towards EDM of one kind or another...

Slow build... & Fast finish...

Good to hear, let us know when your back on the Left Coast again, would be great to meetup again brother. 🖖

  ·  last year  ·  

Can't we all just get a Zoom



  ·  last year  ·