PYPT is On Today at Noon (12pm) EST .. Come Join Us, Bring Posts

in pypt •  3 years ago 

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Pimp Your Post Thursday, PYPT, the longest running live curation show is on today in the Dreemport Discord server. It starts at 12pm EST and runs until you wear me out or there are no more posts to see.

It doesn’t matter where you write your content, you’re welcome to join us. The objective is to get more eyes on your work, for you to meet other content creators and have some fun in the process. Some great friendships and connections have formed on PYPT over the years.

The show takes place in a voice channel and links are shared in a text channel. When you’re called on to present a post, you drop the link in text and come on voice to give a brief ‘elevator speech’ outline of the post. People are encouraged to visit the posts and support them however they can.

Here’s the recording from last week’s show if you’d like to get an idea how it works.

If you can’t come onto voice, you can still present but you must have a written outline ready for someone, like me, to read for you.

You can present other people’s posts that you really liked. It’s a great way to give a handup to other content creators who can’t be there or may not know about PYPT.

PYPT started out as a Steem and then Hive centered program but, like DreemPort, I’m now encouraging people from ANY platform or even if they maintain their own blog to take part. When we come in from many points we expand our connections and our view of what is available.

A person who has been creating content on Web 2.0 systems might be curious about what it’s like to create on Web 3.0 systems and vice versa. PYPT is a great place to learn and get your questions asked.

The annual Hivefest was this past weekend. My Hive notices are starting to calm down now the rush of posts about the experience has started to slow. This year, like last year, was completely virtual. The event was held in Virtual Reality which was rather interesting. Next year, a hybrid, in real life and VR is being planned.

Beyond the novelty of attending an international event from the comfort of my home, those in attendance learned a lot about how the Hive blockchain is expanding and growing. If you want to bring your Hivefest post along, feel free.

Some of the folks I either met at Hivefest or engaged with on their posts I’d love to see join us would also include: @@@l337m45732 (niftyphil), @teamhumble, @schmidi along with all the other regulars like @solominer, @zekepickleman, @wil.metcalfe to name a few. @sgt-dan, who does some awesome promoting of PYPT also streams it to his Twitch channel with my permission. OH, let’s not forget to remind @lauraluze and @lord-elric to come back this week.

So, come on over and join in. You’re only a stranger once at PYPT

NOTE: this post has also been posted on Hive and other sites.


Shadowspub is a writer from Ontario, Canada. She writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc.
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Thursday is the official PYPT day...
It's good to see you on Blurt.
I'm coming to the parrrrrryyy with Miss Hobo.
Biyeeeeeeeeeee 😂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

good plan.. bring your friends .. I'll let Hobo know

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't know, there should be boogie monster there @shadowspub

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Boogie monster? what's that

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

downvoters in DreemPort?? lol

no... DreemPort is not platform specific! We have people who share from hive, from vocal, from medium, and even personal blogs ! You share your posts from WHEREVER - and those at PYPT will come visit and support!

You should come and share - and see for yourself! I won't be there this week because of Thanksgiving for America - but next week i'll be there! hehehe

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Okay I'll look unto it 😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hehehehe let me know - or @shadowspub if you'd like the discord channel invite!

We just invited another Blurt user! it would be nice to have people from all around!!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


You seem to have something you want to say @cryptopie but are being cryptic about it.