The 6 Communist Regimes working to kill all the humans.

in putin •  2 years ago  (edited)

This has been planned for many years now.

Russia, China, USA, Canada, Germany and France Communists (Global Elite) New World Order are working together to kill all the humans.

It has been several test pandemics that led to the COVID scam that started in China and expanded around the World.

The Vaccine scam was created in the Laboratories of Communist China, Russia, Germany and France with their Deadly mRNA Vaccines.

BioNTech in Germany.
ModeRNA in France.

These Global Communists are working to wipe out 99 % of the Global Population.

Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Frank Walter Steinmeier.




The mRNA Vaccine Creators :


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