My Publish0x Monthly Stats - November 2020

in publish0x •  4 years ago 

It always gives great pleasure to get diversified earnings. I have been using the Publish0x platform for the past few months. It was indeed a great experience. From last month onwards, I wanted to share my monthly stats in the form of a post. It gives a great motivation to continue contributing and letting others know the potential of this platform. You can find a link to my last month stats here.

It has been a great experience again. Compared to last month, my contribution in the form of articles is a bit high. I was able to write more articles in the last 30 days. Though a little but my earnings have considerably increased to some extent. I would like to say that consistency is important to keep the account active among the readers. That is what I noticed.


It has always been a big challenge to predict what type of articles would give good views on Publish0x. But the good thing about the platform is, we are able to check the stats and views for the last 30 days. It gives good motivation. Some finance and crypto-related niche is really good. From my observation, I noticed that people like reading articles that explain more about passive income opportunities or alternative income opportunities.


I'm happy that the number of views has increased a bit by 1000 extra views compared to last month. In addition to that, the earnings have also increased by a dollar. In the last one month, the platform also introduced another payment method where people can get paid in another token called AMPL. For the past few days, all my votes on the posts mostly give me AMPL tokens. Before that, it used to be mainly ETH. The increase in the price of ETH tokens has also increased the earning a little bit. When I wrote the post last month, the price of ETH was not this much. That is also one reason why see a good $ value in the last 30 days.

I'm going to continue writing on Publish0x and would like to see my monthly rewards hit at least a minimum of 10$ per month. I think reaching that dream shouldn't be that far. In my last month's post, I mentioned that I should be reaching 1 ETH by just posting on the Publish0x platform. I'm still with that and also if that happens, I would have a great story to share with people. But otherwise monthly 10$ will also be a satisfying income.

If you would like to get started with Publish0x, feel free to use my referral.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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