Search Crime

in psychosis •  3 years ago 

Thought-crime is not fiction. Search-crime may soon be real. Goeggel, one of the key enforcers of elitescum propaganda, has been caught refusing to search certain terms.

In this case, mass formation psychosis triggered a shutdown of the fake-search-engine's algorithm, so that it showed zero search results.

The digital paralysis amusingly mirrors the psychological paralysis that Dr Malone alluded to. With so many former humans now in an entranced lock-step, Malone rightly compares this to Europe in the 1920s and 1930s - go read some of the literature about that period.

The offending, and correct, theory was discussed by Malone on the Joe Rogan Experience.

However, the idea was first expressed a month ago on Malone's own blog. The fear of the elitescum - for never forget, they live and breathe fear, including their own - is that the naked truth will appear and skewer them, and their lies. The idea was only censored when it became too public. That is interesting and potentially useful.

Astonishingly - truly astonishing - and a large crack in the propaganda, is that part of the talk upon which the article is based on is still available on ULube! Also interesting.

So much information has been buried under a pool of vomit created by the kovidskam, that it takes some advanced search techniques to find those morsels that have not been pre-digested. Worth trying though, for anyone who has the stomach for it.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is United Cities and Local Governments: UCLG. In Russia a lot of people think that they are doing all what's done. They are creating such organizations in all the world. They have their own constitution, their own view of the world. They are the one supporting some experiments on people here. Even in my city there is a guy from the authority representing them. I'm not sure of course, but it seems that they are creating all this madness in the world. Maybe this information will help someone to let all people around the world stop them, before it's too late. What do you think about them ? Or maybe @ajerkoff knows something about them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sounds like another name for smart cities.

trigger words
smart = spy = surveillance = prison

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yeah, they are crazy. And you can find them maybe even in your country or the city. They are not even hiding this. :

Here in Russia people started to investigate on them and even visit their offices to ask them what they are doing here. I think they should be exposed in all around the world ! Why the hell the laws of countries are not appliable to them. Sounds like aliens in a horror movie. Really strange.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Game of Gangsters.
Your wealth and health by stealth.

In a country like Russia, I would expect local gangsters to investigate such global gangsters.
They may reach an agreement.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

In addition, social media platforms reacted in panic after Malone’s interview with Joe Rogan, in which he applied a theory from Professor Mattias Desmet suggesting how a large population can be sent into "mass formation psychosis."
The video was swiftly removed from YouTube, while Malone believes Google search results were also affected.

"It happened so fast, it caught Google with its pants down," he said. "The whole weekend after Rogan posted it, that was fascinating. I had no idea that Rogan was going to put it up on New Year’s Eve, bless his heart, but it just ripped through the world."

Malone pointed out that the media’s immediate reaction to silence his theory – in order to protect vaccine messaging – only further proved it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, and the links in the post go through that whole story, with the original interview now on Odysee.

What I find interesting is that for all the scientific technicalities that prove a total global fake-down, the thing that really fries their psychotic minds is the truth about the whole psyop!!

I often urge people to read Political Ponerology as it describes our world in horrifying detail - published in 1984, it never received widespread recognition and the author led what appears to be a lonely life, even in the West.

You know you have hit a raw nerve when the psychos jump!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My point is that spending hours debating about all the lies - not just kovid, but many other technocratic systems - may be useful as a journey of knowledge, but doesn't hit at the dark heart of the scam. To do that, you need to show how the scam is created - you need to show why so many people are behaving like retards.

That was the alleged crime - totally absurd as the current mass psychosis is plainly obvious, and has been written about by others.

Beware of this malone geezer, he is not what he seems. Am about to upload an expose on this man because so many people are listening to him.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The ability to remove anybody's voice from online media means that those voices that are being heard must be taken as part of the play.

It is incredibly hard for anybody to know who to trust - who to believe - hence, believe nothing!
eg, during that 3 hour interview, there were many things Malone said that make no sense at all, and some dismissed what appear serious questions.

It is a psychological flaw to believe people as they can then mix some truth with some lies.

This also applies to Rogan.

Look forward to the rxpose ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

yes there is mass confusion going on right now, I see it all over fb and have even tried my own article on it. which I was going to post on blurt at some point, maybe sooner rather than later would be best. The other day someone posted a short list of 'trustworthy' people she listens to and I was on her list. That puts a lot of pressure on me but nice to know I'm trusted as I try hard to only post what I truly believe is true. I use a LOT of intuition or gut feelings tho too and like you spot things that make no sense or contradict. I did not trust this man from the start especially as he works in vaccine development AND because he doesn't seem to know a lot about biology from what I've heard. Too much messing about with rats in labs maybe.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Information censorship is carried out due to the elite's fear of the disclosure of the crimes they have committed. This fear then creates an overreaction by hiding the data about the truth. But no matter how hard it is hidden, in the end the truth will reveal itself.

So nice post with deep information!
Thank you sir for bringing such kind of news and information for Blurt community!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·