But first a small cut of info of my blog statistics
My current vote weight at 100% power is 1.1/BLURT.bts (bts=blurtoshis). I have accomplished to obtain 10.5kBP plus 5k delegation from @tekraze (which he may remove at his own will.
Tekraze since you have made this delegation, through my curation (or however it works in detail) you have made an additional 30+BLURT.
I never really understood the complete reason behind your delegation but to each their own reasons.
Previously I found out the traffic I bring to blurt. For me that was alot. Never have I ever seen these numbers. I hope that increases tenfold. But to me this is a milestone.
I am not sure how accurate that site is in detecting website traffic either, numbers could be lower or maybe even higher. regardless, that is plenty to make me happy. I am glad to provide some sort of entertainment to each visitor.
If you are reading this and in need of an account, All I require is that you are an authentic person and to promise that you will not commit abuse on this platform, such as scam, plaigerize, spam, tag abuse, identity theft, etc. And that you will use the NSFW tags and hide your content under these features if they contain things such as this.
And because of the above latter fact, let me point out that this blogging platform front end automatically hides this for you, but you may change this in the settings to always show or always warn.
Also, because of the NSFW content may happen, this blog is rated M for Mature (I rated it thus). Albeit our current front end is designed to be as user friendly as possible for any age, its important to understand that the intention is still for a mature audience. Thus, Blurt is not for everyone. Or more precisely, decentralized blogs are not for everyone. And certainly not for kids. However, this does not mean that minors would not come join these graphene chains. You as a parent bares the responsibility of managing the growth of your child as ethically and as morally as possible.
Witness Votes Updated
In the link above I have added the most recent list. I have removed quite a few from my witness votes and here are the changes:
Removed for reason of inactivity or deactivation of witness:
@blurtlive, @ewq, @etainclub, @travelamateur, @michelangelo3, @symbionts, @joviansummer
@iammufasa, @pixelwide, @blurt.one, @actifit, @opfergnome, @randula, @bestkizito
In need of a personal line break. Preferably one with small animation like follow, like, share, any my username. name your price in blurt. also do you do payments?... lol
What have I done with my stake and rewards on blurt?
Votes that I have made have been going mostly to support artists but I also vote for content of psychology, philosophy, gaming, science, sports, food, ideas, even mundane things. I try to not be biased but that would be a lie to say i am not. Because that is impossible. everyone is biased in some way. We all have our preferences and beliefs and these things are influenced by the currupt world around us that we have no control over.
Every one gets screened before I vote. I make sure there is no plagiarism detected. Only authentic authors. So if you only plan on investing BP and nothing else and want more returns, then delegating can help you.
Delegating to me means what for you?
Apart from the gains, it is recommended that you curate, post, comment yourself but it is understandable if you cannot. The difference is more gains if you do the recommended.
I make no promises that delegation to me will gaurentee a vote on your own posts. I am not offering a vote trading service. It is entirely your own responsibility for whome you delegate to. And thus is why you should conduct your own research.
My intentions on this blog is to continue being me. And being me, I see Blurt as a great opportunity to help others achieve what they need, food, shelter, etc. the necessities of life. Each person has their own eay of getting there, be it through art, music, drawing etc, their labor work, their lifestyle experiences in writing providing entertainment to the world, etc. Many paths to take and we all could use help. Blurt is the place to be able to do just that at a long distance. It is also a great marketing opportunity.
We can sell our products and accept blurt as payments. Imagine now if your local neighborhood has blurt accounts?
Need a massage? Pay me in blurt. Need a ride? pay me gas in blurt, i love to give a free ride to myself by driving you to your location. just cover the gas fees. lol These are just very very very small examples. Yhe potential is virtually endless.
Digressing, back to the original post idea
Pyschological help
Do we have control over our impusles and how we inturpret our relationship with the events that unfold?
We can, with lots of self work. And this required dedication. A deep will to survive. You must want to survive for not studying self is like dying slowly mentally. which brings me to original intent of this post.
This is for all in general to know.
Helping others psychologically for the better and the means to do so.
Opinion: It is not up to any of us tell others who they are, that is for each of us to discover for ourselves. For each our own work. BUT once we discovered things about ourselves to be irrefutable fact, we start to unthread the veils over our eyes. We begin to observe with clearer vision what we are not.
And hence, in the act of showing proof, be it with log, reason and other forms of evidence, we can point out the bricks on the wall as a fake illusion, one brick at a time. Sometimes, and actually can be quite often, it will seem that no matter what you do in that respect, it will still be not enough. That is ok. Do not stress yourself.
The brain does a magnificent job at computing, but what it is equating may be the wrong imputations. So finding out what is wrong in the equation, what variable to change, etc, will be the challenge. Remember, they have to discover what these are for themselves. If you tell them the answers it will cause little to no change and possibly be entrapped further in the delusion.
So don't do it. When its about them that is (as in, do not tell them who they are). Rather tell them about what their actions mean. Be precice as possible. Now if they repeat it, and have a history of doing so after it being discovered, them this person is seriously suffering. Their illness may require professional help.
A type of professional help that almost any silghtly above average intelligent man may learn how to do. What if I told you that we have an exact science that may greatly improve our lives? What If I told you, that this requires little to no background in this method, just your natural ability to self analyze.
What if I showed you a handbook?
A manual of sort to show you how to really get that self help.
"The thought therapy" if you check the origin of the term dianetic, it is greek and means just that; "Thought."
The handbook above will help you be the analyst you needed to be. It will teach you. Even just reading it once will help you immensely as it has done with me. Now it is about studying it on a deeper level, and applying to my self first.
We all want to help others because we think by doing so we help our own cause. well yes this is true, but only if you know what you are doing. How much do we really know though? Is it enough to aid your loved ones into a healthy mindset?
Do you wash your face and wash your hands early morning before you do with someone else, like your kids for example? We wouldnt wash their eyes with dirty hands or do you?
As the same idea above, we can not help others unless we understand what it is they have until we first find it within ourselves and understand it, we will know what actions to take or not to take.
Experiment with new direction and see if it had a positive impact.
What is self work?
Its looking in the mirror for short and mild discomfort for doing so is normal, but the weak ego will take it as a physical attack. Afraid to die. The fear to live kicks in. And may dissuade any from the deep dive to those who are felt to be so attached to their false masks. 👺 👺 👺
With the Dianetic method by Mr Hubbard, you will be able to handle these necessary detachments, that must happen for your own health, with better grip on staying sane.
If I remember the exact words correctly from the handbook mentioned above
Irrationality is equal to insanity
Self work is also occult work. For the word itself refers to hidden and self work is finding hidden knowledge within. But there are blockages of painful emotions that are saved in our engrams.
The book is entirely free to download in pdf. I'll leave a link to download from "MEGA", an encrypted cloud service, at the end of this post.
I provide this book because even I am no professional, yet, and shall keep to my own lane. So instead, you get the book and help yourself to helping your self that you may then survive for whatever reason it is that you are surviving for.
Thank you for reading till the end. And as always, all criticism is welcomed here.
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im so glad blurt popped up and we can help make it something amazing, I really felt for you back on hive getting constantly greyed out.
Me too and likewise. I know you had your fair share of these political attacks from high profiles. It is completly unjustified.
I still post in VYB where DV does not effect the earnings.
yeah it sucked not to be in a position to even help anyone as we just had no chance, it's nice to see here being in a position to actually help people out. :) I would go to vyb but it just feels like you end up somehow engaging on hive as it's built on the same foundation, maybe in the future if its still going in a years time, but don't rly miss it right now as never rly got going there.
I partly saw the interview. I didnt want to lose my data on my phone over videos. It was about a minute in is all I saw. Enough to catch your awesome accent and tones of your voice. You mentioned you were into spirituality from what I remember. So ill ask you what i keep asking myself and sometimes fail to answer it.
What do you strive to survive for?
How did you arrive to this conclusion?
Where were you when you "became aware"?
When is the best time to travel Britian.
I threw in some extras lol
That was one of the hardest parts of my journey tbh when I realised there is no real purpose and that the purpose is to just experience. I’m still getting used to that I think it made me feel void for some time lol. I mean we are here to evolve I believe back to our highest versions but I don’t think there is any purpose to actual day to day stuff other than we are creating our own reality and making choices. I think it doesn’t matter st all if we make ‘good’ or ‘bad’ choices only that we realise we are making choices and we are not victims as we create everything. I believe the highest vibrational state is acting from our soul guidance rather than human choices at which point we enter a kind of zero point of instant manifestation. I’m not sure if that makes sense typing on a phone. I first woke up in 2010 but I guess always evolving and coming to new insights. Britain go to London and Cornwall / Devon and 1000 percent in spring summer. It’s miserable in winter.
It all made sense enough. Thank you for sharing some insight. And winter it is. I love winter colds.
I see what your saying.
I still see opportunity to
recruitrescue people by directing traffic to blurt. I would like to say the air will clear of the smug cloud over the hive city the H.C. has produced. Its not hive per say that is the problem, but the ones who use their weak egos to exploit peoples winning based on opinion. Large stake or small stake it makes no difference.When people take from the street performers hat becauseof their biased opinion or for simply jealousy or whatever, if the street performer is harming no one and is providing to the community, why take from his donation hat? The public views that as theft yet something odd goes on when the same public connects to their hive blogs. THEY do not see the resemblance in their behaviours with the DV function.
I have stated that having a dv to express dislike is fine but if that expression involves stealing then it is a flawed function, ethicaly and morally. And needs to rectified. Many have inputed their ideas towarss the H.C. but they get no attention because they do not want to rectify what makes them gain more rewards, even at the cost of the innocent content creators.
I propose they can keep the dv, but take away the power it currently has to remove post rewards and to just adopt the coal list idea by banning them off the front end, but just the abusers. Fake news or "not", as I have stated in my latest vyb post, will always exist. Them deciding what gets to be seen for the rest os too much power that none should have over another. especially if its just ones own personal view of the world. hiding others content what does not fit your own narrative from the public is ... naughty to say the least.
Hive could have been much better. but they decided to run it even worse than ehat they forked away from. I almost regret not staying on steemit. I would have had more BP when blurt came in. Oh well...
I am here now. And will post on vyb with vyb exclusive content and same time point towards blurt at the end of each post.
I hope to make at least just as much as I was getting on my ex day job to keep me afloat. I need to put food on the table cor my mascots. 3 cats and 3 more on the way and 7 dogs. I plan on making a hen coop too with maybe 16 chickens. we'll see.
I don’t like the downvote button at all it’s made for control. Since this behaviour went on back in 2017 it’s nothinf new I saw if back then it’s just less ppl did so no one believed me. It should be more like YouTube that a downvote also just gives you earnings that way the trolls just shoot them selves in the foot. I think platforms naturally purge low quality content. I notice here that when someone’s trying to abuse the pool they jsut don’t rly get votes.
That would be great idea to implement on Hive and steemit!
I did stay on steemit because I saw these guys behaviours ina. Private chat room in 2017, they made fun of people and took them to rep 0 just for shits and giggles and bullied people etc. I knew exactly what they were like but no one was ready to here it back then. I was so relieved when they all left steemit felt so free but sadly everyone I had built a community with moved to hive so I was left with the option of no community of the ones I had built for 4 years or however long it was. So I stayed on both as never ever felt safe on hive and always hoped people would start to realise and go back to steemit but Altho I stayed on steemit I do actually wish I had gone at it a bit harder but it rly was no community for a bit but ppl are going back there now bit by bit so it’s not too late. It’s gone up quite a lot in value this week too. I recommend the wox community.
Ill be sure to keep that in mind when I get around to making another account there.
I remember you mention it various times. I have been pretty observant of the whole situation since steemit was barely a few months old. I was just watching from the outside. I was first introduced to it by fbr on Minds platform many years ago after he showed me some ropes and latters out of a sticky situation with the feds in the usa.
You should film your animals we love animals here!!!
You wouldn't get much talk from me though. 5 minutes talking and my throat is killing me. but I have thought on it sometimes.
Sounds like you are loving it and doing well here. Can I ask where you find your vote weight? :)
I have a feeling this is my fault of use of terminology. What I meant was this.
There is also this neat tool for analysis
Yes I am enjoying it rather swell here. Better than any other platform I have been on. On FB I was constantly being banned and restricted access. It wasn'tlike when it started and people actually communicated with open mind. These days however... yuck.
I never could get into any of the ones like twitter, instagram, bebo, etc. Didnt fit my style. I tried many different. Some I still check back on but that is for some other activism I am doing. My other double life per say.
Reddit kicked me out for asking advice where I can find evidence of jurisdiction, a short convo that ended adruptly. Law enforcement took it down with their influence on reddit. Marc Stevens from the No State Project had a similar experience, you can find him on youtube too. Very informative person on anarchy. He knows his stuff. Especially winning court cases by challenging jurisdiction.
Here's a vid of his call of shame on IRS agents admitting they do not need to rely on evidence to charge and jail you for
tax evasionfailure to let yourself be robbed by thugs.Seems it's easy to get banned wherever you are, if your posts don't 'fit' with the narratives the platforms are adhering too!
The answers are easy, it's learning how to asking the right questions - that's the tricky fucker !
As i have delegated and not transferred power will still be increasing at rate of 2.53% so that's why it's increased from 5000.
I delegated power to you as you were helping in identifying plague content.
Just keep doing what you are doing.
Good luck
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord
Sorry I forgot about the link.
Get the pdf here:
let me know if there is any issues.