The New Wave of Fear and Loathing

in psychology •  3 years ago 

This is the worst of times pretending to be the best of times. The world is awash with tyranny and ignorance, with what seems like a small cohort clinging on to the rare commodity of sanity.

The reality-checking parts of the brain no longer function to correct delusions, but rather cement those delusions by only checking that they conform to other people. Often the source of conformity is not even other people but a shared trust of the media. This is menticide - the death of critical thinking.

The entranced do not perceive they are entranced. The enslaved do not perceive they are enslaved. The indoctrinated do not perceive they are indoctrinated. This is psychotic behaviour.

But mass psychosis still has to manifest in some specific behaviours. Just as individuals can flip between bouts of depression and manic phases, so we can see this playing out around the world.

I discussed this Mass Psychosis video before, but worth jumping to the section on Waves of Fear.

Imagine you need some bone manipulation, such as from a chiropractor or osteopath. You will be asked to relax as much as possible; indeed there is often a massaging phase to release the tension in the muscles. The sudden movements needed to reset the bones are most effective when the surrounding muscles are relaxed, otherwise they will tense up to act against the attempted reset. Thus, being relaxed helps the therapist be most effective - only a psychopath would use this technique to then break your neck!

The world has seen some 2 years of fear being spread by corrupt governments under the thumb of evil medical tyrants. A species largely devoid of critical thinking has been convinced that a virus that doesn't exist is causing symptoms seen in other lung diseases, plus some special symptoms caused by an array of toxins. The final solution is to intoxicate every human with substances unknown - and they remain unknown, as part of the contract is that nobody is allowed to know what is in the evil vials. We now see the consequences of the genetic modification jabs, although those could also be caused by other toxins in the jabs. Sickness is thus normalised and blamed on a non-existent pathogen.

The imposition of what is effectively martial law on most people has created a mass of depression, including suicides. The obedient mind suffers, even if it doesn't truly understand why. The imposed slavery has been pathetic to watch by those few who understand the mechanisms they are witnessing. But even slaves need some release. We have already seen the belated reactions to the global lock-downs in well-advertised cases such as the Canadian truckers. It is thus time for the "relaxing" phase of the tyranny.

Relax some of the most overt measures and many people start to believe in a new lie: a return to normality. This is when we see a new war of convenience. The rage directed against the war, by the entranced and enslaved masses, is nothing short of the manic phase of the mass psychosis. This also serves the purpose of bringing into the fold some of the people who didn't buy into the coronati scam. Thus, by changing the tune, the tyrants can bring into lock-step some new dancers.

The war is humanity's "Two Minutes of Hate". Just replace the face of Goldstein with Putin and just feel the catharsis.

This is not a "fake war", the word "fake" gives the wrong impression that it somehow isn't taking place. However, this is a synthetic war, created to achieve other ends. Such ends include the new mass synchronisation away from the coronati scam and towards a new war - which isn't even that new if one bothers to read current history. It will also achieve some further economic damage to a bruised and battered world; watch the steep rise in the prices of oil and grains. Future hardships will be blamed on "the war" and not the govscum tyrants. The mechanics of the financial scam warrants a separate article. We may even see this spreading, just like in World War II. That will also conveniently hide all the coming vax-deaths.

So, what should we be looking at? While the slaves are being artificially enraged, the real criminals are quietly working on the next phase of the medical tyranny.

WHO planning new “pandemic treaty” for 2024

Multilateralism in times of global pandemic: Lessons learned and the way forward - pdf

Read it very carefully.

WHO + G20 + IMF = new plandemic = slavery + genocide

When will people wake up and understand that this worst of times has been planned and is totally synthetic?

People dream; sometimes they have nightmares. You cannot resolve the nightmare while awake, but you can resolve it while dreaming. In order to do that, you need to learn how to lucid dream; to understand that your dream is both a construct and that it can be under your control. One deep problem with recurring nightmares is not that they recur but that they distort waking life. Being lucid when asleep may help in being lucid when awake.

The way to stop a nightmare is very simple: be aware and lucid and express the power of your will. Try it tonight.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The often overwhelming challenge is navigating a reality in which it seems that both the puppet masters and the puppets have descended into madness.

For those of us who are still thinking the challenge of how to stay true and grounded in a world gone mad weighs like a heavy mantle of futility: you feel like you dodge one bullet, and there's another right behind that... stretched out infinitely in a long chain towards the future. And so, we might become expert "bullet dodgers," but in the end that still leaves the lingering question of whether all there is to being alive is a life of dodging bullets? Is that even "being alive?"

Strikes me that "short term thinking" always is a plague on humanity. People want to "overthrow governments" but have no sense of what they want to replace the evil with, nor how to execute that. "Wanting change" is not enough, we have to get to "wanting change TO" something.

Yes, lucid dreaming is an effective "deprogramming" tool, if you understand how to use it... it was a tool given to me during therapy in my early 30's. Very grateful for that.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The often overwhelming challenge is navigating a reality in which it seems that both the puppet masters and the puppets have descended into madness.

Right, this is described in the book Political Ponerology, whereby the psychopathic leaders create a state in their image, hence a psychopathocracy in which the population exhibits similar traits in varying degrees. Those few who don't, just try to "live through it". The experiences that formed the basis of the thesis where those of Warsaw Pact countries under the pathocracy known as communism.

Maybe I should post more about dreaming - struck me as a "neutral" kind of exercise to gain some new powers without any a priori baggage. It also bypasses those critical thinking faculties that are anyway dysfunctional.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Agree with me or else, because I was told to think like this, the TV said so, my virtue I wear with my mask, how bloody dare you think, how dare you have an opinion, if it is not the same as mine, fuck off, seems to be the way it is.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

weaponised truth = believe me or you will die!
That seems to be the logic of the new scientz.
propping the whole thing is not a belief in any logical argument - it is the fear of death - real or imagined.

and that is really hard to turn around - even fatalistic cultures that believe in rebirth, who ride motorbikes as if death was their passenger, still end up paralysed with the thought of dying.

Hence my suggestion of dream practice.

My kid tells me she really enjoys death-dreams! Coz she has let go of the fear and each "death" is like stepping into another realm - each one a little enlightenment :-) and she's a kid!!

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When sleep becomes more fun than life, we have to question life.
I found the whole entire Thailand culture towards death amazing, almost like it was a joke, I will cover it in a post one day, maybe, seen a lot there, as I dare say have you.
A lot seemed to me to come down to religion, ladders, steps, can do what you want, and come back and do it all again, maybe I am wrong, I can only say it the way I see it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Reminds me of the dream-den scene in the film Inception - instead of heroin they are on dreaming-drugs and waste away dreaming coz life is so boring.

But that Thai fatalism seems to be fake, else they wouldnt be so cowered by the virus-bullshit - whether real or fake, if u don't fear death then you don't care either way!

Thai culture is a living syncretism, much of it remains brahminism in spite the buddhist overlay. yeah, I've seen some weird shit - monks burning - real village muay thai boxing (brutal!) and more...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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The then thieves rob secretly, but these ones
kill's using critical psychology.

The enslaved seems to be enslaved forever. Without any sense of being in prison.
While those trying to buy their freedom are robbed of their tokens.

What a Cold world !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And this isn't just about opinions! One can test who is in control through actions.
eg even dare to ask a scientific question online about any of the many technocratic scams and you will be ridiculed, abused and ejected! How is that in any way a scientific discourse!? HENCE it is a psycho-indoctrination-scam!
No actual scientific knowledge needed - just the awareness that questions are forbidden.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And they are shutting down ANY research that will prove how dangerous and toxic to life almost every new product is. eg, I wrote about them closing and sacking the whole Aluminium research group in UK... why? coz there is a ton of money in poisoning people with aluminium products, including in vaxs.

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why? coz there is a ton of money in poisoning people with aluminium products, including in vaxs.

Yes! they're tons of money in sending premature innocent souls to Sheol.
But the fact still remains that anyone involved in poisoning people's products must pay dearly for consequences.

Maybe not now, but in the future!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A species largely devoid of critical thinking has been convinced that a virus that doesn't exist

And POOF just like that the virus is gone. We have entered the twilight zone.

is nothing short of the manic phase of the mass psychosis


When will people wake up and understand that this worst of times has been planned and is totally synthetic?

We/they are waking up now. I sense that the destruct force has lost control, too much is happening at once, the uber rulers are battling each other. It is destroying, as all destructive forces eventually do, itself. We must sow love, and food, and caring, in its stead.

The world is a stage. I suspect much of the battles we see are just like the false left right battleground. Scripted to keep the tension and hope alive as they slide their pieces a few more spots towards home. We wake up to the parts of the arena they are turning the lights on at. Watching and testing each light they turn on as they gauge how far they can push the next seemingly unrelated piece of "reality" to keep the prey from seeing what's really coming.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well said!!!

They're engineering a wilderness of mind - a wasteland of mass depression, confusion, fear, anger, and psychosis. Rendering the individual malleable to suggestion, searching for definitive answers, and a structure that their controlling entities will be more than happy to provide.

If you step back, you can observe how they've spent years building up to it- for one, the obsessive focus on mental health that has nothing to do with compassion - and everything to do with socially engineering a fragility of mind.

We shall see how that safe space works out over the coming years - for many, it will become a padded cell. Luckily - I'm an adept lucid dreamer. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I totally agree about the psychological mind eff. We are taught as both parents and children to obsessively keep a look out for what is wrong with our children and ourselves. This creates illnesses where there are none. We assume that we are fragile in some way, which enslaves us to an outside force. The medical industry.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's so sad what's going on. I just hope people will wake up soon and stop believe in all the BS propaganda.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi Dear honorable mam
I have written about the personality of woman and her capability.
Click the following link to see, please!

And make no mistake. The reason they are funding 5G in the middle of nowhere can only be for one reason.

They wish no area to escape to when they need to chase you down. And they do plan on chasing down those who run once they have dealt with the compliant.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They are really quite easy to take down ;-)
most of them - I've seen some images of some built to withstand bombs... those who built them have already seen that possible future.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Look on the map how many 5g towers are in Russia, shhh I never told ya. I was going to cover this topic soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And they can transmit even if there is no 5G phone service as such.
Suddenly, more mysterious diseases.
More invisible toxins.
And all for what? So I can watch shitty videos faster!?
5G was commissioned by the military for urban control - funnily, it's really shite when it rains, hence a transmitter in pissing distance of each other.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

100 metres apart, I have not one near me, put one up I will take it down, by force or by guns, my land, my space, not interested in 5g.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, IMO EMF signals are trespassing.

I mean, people have been sued for the opposite - taking free electricity from transmission lines! And not even tapping the lines, can do it from the emf signal emitted and use induction coils.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Damn expensive paperback!
chepaer here.
Thanks for the twilight zone experience.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All part of the fun of life, some of the zombies on here need to stop arguing and enjoy it, before they take their last breath.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's sad that only a few will believe this. Most are brainwashed and if someone starts thinking otherwise, he/she will be the enemy. Fighting all against the tyranny make them being tyrants themselves.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But the sudden change is a new level of "disturbing" - from whimpering sheep to rabid dogs - yet still chained to their masters. Be extra vigilant now.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh well. Too late for me. I’ve been vaccinated. What do I do now ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A large % will have been placebos, just to manage the population after-effects.
Feel lucky, if you feel well - but, I wouldn't keep playing with those dice.
Our mind is far more powerful than most people can ever believe, so don't fall into the other trap of vax-regret. Fear and panic and rage crush those energy centres - chakras - that should be there to support us. The science literature on this is kinda hidden but backs up all the ancient chakra theories - they are neurological nexuses :-)

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Speaking of Fear and Loathing …

That will also conveniently hide all the coming vax-deaths.

Everyone I know had been vaccinated. My mom, my dad, my brothers my sister, my wife, my kids. Everyone. I sure hope we all received a placebo. I am now very fearful for our lives.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You obeyed.
You will obey again.
One day, the barrel will not be empty.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think this is why we are told to take boosters.


Just before watching the ship go down they say, "Stay Put".

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It really is a Russian roulette scenario. Especially as nobody - apart from the pharmascum - know what is in each batch of vials. But purely mathematically, you don't want people dying in droves immediately, coz then the scam is obvious - so the first step is to create obedience, then some booster later will have the bullet.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What barrel ?

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