RE: Brain Plasticine

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Brain Plasticine

in psychology •  3 years ago 

Is that the same state as when in danger? the hyper-awareness and speed? Being able to summon that state without it just being a reaction to danger?

You may have gathered, I quite enjoy attempting to articulate transcendence - I dislike so much waffle, as it strikes me as part of the problem of deliberate obfuscation. Not a ref to you, just a note to self of why I bother returning to this topic.

Is way too easy to just say "is beyond language" - find a better language, is my reply! It is beyond subject-object-predicate or possibly a self-referential paradox, eg. "this proposition is untrue."

The "sound of one hand clapping" remains the classic koan, I think because it is one of very few that translate without cultural references. The official response is to ejaculate something random! You are the hand clapping the universe - the clap is the union - there is no hand, nor a universe, just the clap. But the point is not to analyse it - as I just did - but to experience it. Hence need some new koans - Zen masters have, indeed, tried, then fell back on the trad ones as being superior. lol.

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Is that the same state as when in danger? the hyper-awareness and speed? Being able to summon that state without it just being a reaction to danger?

Yes, although in my experience it is just more easily accessible in moments of danger. It's the closest I can relate to what you are pointing at. It has been my experience that if one approaches a situation with a certain intent one can also enter that state. An intent that is super focused, which might be why so many believe in the law of attraction to the point they ignore the truth of others ability to have free will and act on the best laid plans fucking them up.

I prefer the

Is way too easy to just say "is beyond language

and think it can only be shared through a direct experience in many cases.

I suggested as much to a psychiatrist I spoke with many years ago. The topic was on extra-ordinary event encounters with beings who are more energetic in nature, or at least not detectable to us in our normal sense range. I wish to qualify that last part with one can certainly use their minds eye as well as often feel an electrical surge course through us to detect this many times. I qualify that to also acknowledge there are likely many times there might be no easily detection method, to possibly none.

Anyway, they have it all nice and neatly classified with their science on how its a delusion, even if multiple people all share the same experience. That in itself could be the impetus for a large body of writing and exploration.

One that I suggested to her. I got the topic stopped when I suggested to her that if she was open to the idea, I could take her out at night into nature and prove to her that the experiences are real. She of course refused using her approved classification cult-ure to explain to me on why multiple people can share the same delusional experience.

On that last part, and more off topic. If one concedes that groups can have a shared hallucination/delusion, then what does that suggest for all of these so called normal experiences we are all sharing? lol