RE: Commandant or Follower?

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Commandant or Follower?

in psychology •  2 years ago 

You calling me a Dynamic Assertive!? lol.
Wouldn't some of the DAs be at the very top?
Seems like too few categories, unless u allow them to be parameters rather than categories.
The term "asynchronous development" tends to be used for children, but I suspect most adults are stuck in whatever set of parameters they develop. The asynchrony there is not age related but a relative one across each parameter.

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You calling me a Dynamic Assertive!? lol.

What a bad habit I have! 🙈 For years, I have known that Dynamic Assertives don't like to be boxed into categories, but I can't help it when it's so obvious. If there were a blood test to determine if you are a Dynamic Assertive, I would bet on it! 😉

Dynamic Assertives are very introspective souls, and so have a very strong sense of self-awareness and self-definition. And because they are so unpredictable, the idea that they can be placed in a category gives the impression that they are predictable, something they don't like.

Wouldn't some of the DAs be at the very top?

Oh yes!!! Ralph Nader, Barack Obama, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela... Dynamic Assertives are the closest you get to the Dynamic Aggressives, so they have a great deal of potential to become popular and/or powerful. Lots of charismatic actors as well, like Tom Cruise or Denzel Washington. There are dark examples as well; and there are many Dynamic Assertives who live ordinary unpopular lives.

Seems like too few categories, unless u allow them to be parameters rather than categories.

I would say 7 categories with parameters that go from the high-side to the low-side of the particular Life Energy. The author uses the term Types. Yes, it may seem they are few, but there are two levels here, the personal and the societal. I am a Dynamic Assertive, and hence live the life of a Dynamic Assertive on a personal level. But Dynamic Assertives are also a group within society that serve a particular function for that society. It's really a very simple but profound model.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

urgh, I wouldn't share a sandwich with any of the names you mentioned!
I would be careful in assuming the facade of the famous are real.

But yeah, I get the point!
That means 1% v 1% with 98% pawns ?

I do wonder if the middle type, the Creatives, are better named as Adaptives.

Mind you, as you said, many DynAsses will leave the game - fuck that syndrome. lol

Much to read this weekend, so lemme logoff ;-)

urgh, I wouldn't share a sandwich with any of the names you mentioned! I would be careful in assuming the facade of the famous are real.

The list was more based on showing how Dynamic Assertives can be found in many areas; not on whether they are likable or not. And obviously if I say YOU are a Dynamic Assertive, and then you look at those examples... 😆 well, come on, Ralph Nader isn't so bad, even if he's a bit too stiff for me to share a sandwich with. 🤣 And then Gandhi... okay, a bit too guru for my blood. 🤣 Nelson Mandela... too militant! 🤣 Albert Einstein? Would you share a sandwich with Big Al? 🤣

That means 1% v 1% with 98% pawns ?

You mean 1% (Dynamic Assertives) vs 0.5% (Dynamic Aggressives)... the rest are not pawns; you also have Knights, Rooks, Queens and Bishops. The Pawns could stretch from 45% - 85% of the players, but there are always two sides. So you will have good Knights and evil Knights, etc.

I do wonder if the middle type, the Creatives, are better named as Adaptives.

No, they are the middle Type precisely because they swing from being Adaptive to being Dynamic, back and forth throughout life.

Mind you, as you said, many DynAsses will leave the game - fuck that syndrome. lol

I'd say more that they escape the game because of their enhanced ability for foresight. Some stay and fight until martyrdom. But most know how to move out of danger's way.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

ok, so "creative" here means the creative use of all qualities - struck me as an odd choice of word.

maybe Reactives.

There are some interesting Indian websites that expose Gandhi's less than saintly biography. Looks manufactured. Like so many "saints". Einstein refused to become the first PM of Israel, so at least smart enough to avoid becoming a manufactured good. ;-)

Relativity as a physics word was very useful in also promoting relativism as a philosophy. Interesting in modern science public propaganda that the two branches with the least connection to human experiences - quantum mechanics and relativity - have been so heavily pushed for their weirdness, and yet the far more important branch of electromagnetism has very very few popular books.

ok, so "creative" here means the creative use of all qualities - struck me as an odd choice of word.

No, Creatives are the artists of life. It has to do with being incredibly sensitive, as in their senses are more intense than other Life Energies. Creatives know what it is like to be Dynamic, but Dynamics don't know what it's like to be Adaptive, nor do Adaptives understand the world of Dynamics. Creatives know both, and hence the title of their chapter Life's Interpreters.

Reactives are actually an archetype of the generational theory. That would be my generation, Generation X... and the Lost Generation of the Roaring 20s.

The Lost Generation came of age during a time of self-discovery, and new exciting philosophies. Freud published new psychological theories in 1900. Electrical inventions were starting to be produced for mass-consumption. Modern art movements were starting to shock the public, and push the boundaries of what was acceptable. Women’s clothing changed, skirts got shorter, women sported a cropped hairstyle. The coming of age for this generation was the Roaring Twenties. The stock market was used as a way to get rich quick. Prohibition was being pushed by the Missionary Gen, and irrelevantly dismissed by the Lost Gen who were famous for speak-easies, bootlegging, and moonshine. F. Scott Fitzgerald was the spokesperson for his generation. A generation who loved the decadence of the early century, but also got lost in the frivolity of the times. Most of WWI soldiers were of the Lost Generation. Hemmingway is said to be coin the label “a lost generation..” The 1910s-1920s was a time of decadence, affluence, and social unravel. Compare to the 1980s-1990s.
Generational Cycles

There are some interesting Indian websites that expose Gandhi's less than saintly biography.

Yes, Gandhi had his dark side, and I remember hearing that he was mean towards his wife, unlike what was presented in the movie about his life. I do not believe in Saints, as in the idea that a human being can be seen as all good. And in the Life Energy model, all have an Up Side/Down Side.

Einstein refused to become the first PM of Israel, so at least smart enough to avoid becoming a manufactured good. ;-)

Falls in line with the idea that Dynamic Assertives prefer not to take on positions of power, unless they are doing it as part of some cause they are fighting: Nelson Mandela, Ralph Nader, Robert Kennedy... or there is Barack Obama who did it more for ego. And the interesting twist is that it was actually Michelle Obama who is the Dynamic Aggressive in office. Same thing happened with President Jimmy Carter, who was a Dynamic Supportive, with a Dynamic Aggressive wife. You won't make it to that level without the support of Dynamic Aggressives.

the least connection to human experiences - quantum mechanics and relativity...

So you think electromagnetism would better help us understand human nature? During the 00s, I actually grew tired of always hearing Quantum this, and Quantum that, whenever human nature was the subject. For a time, I was even guilty of this!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Finally got round to listening to your video on this - not the 7 or 8 episode one, the 2-parter on YT. Thnks!

That's great! I really hope it inspired you to dip into the book. From what I gather, you are a fast reader, and this is really a small, easy-to-read, non-technical book.