The Weighing of Right and Wrong

in psychology •  last year 

In our life we come across so many different types of people and while we are all humans made of flesh and blood, we are all so different from each other. We have different personalities, behavior's, styles, thinking, way of living, ideologies, culture and you can never say that any one thing they do is right or wrong for anyone. Because what may be right for one may not be for another.
Hence, it is important that we show respect for everyone's thought unless it goes against the laws of nature and stay neutral as much as possible in forming our judgments towards others.

We all have our own beliefs based on our own experiences of life and when it clashes with another person's belief, we try to prove that we are right in many ways and what our belief system is, that is the most ideal one. But that's not the case, it is our belief system and the way we judge our situations but that does not make it necessarily right or wrong.


Honestly this whole concept of weighing everything in right and wrong category that we do, I find it wrong. Why do we have to keep judging people. Sometimes we make mistakes and we learn and grow from there but still people around us may not stop judging us on those mistakes. They are stuck with that in their mind and while we have already moved ahead from there. So now whose problem it becomes yours or mine?

When a person does something wrong, there are some genuine reasons. People do not like to do wrong things out of will but there are times when they are not left with much of choice. A wrong should never be entertained but what goes behind it and why, who knows except for that person, and hence I would always like to give a benefit of doubt in all such matters.

Just for e.g., in a relationship when a person falls out of it, ideally it is very wrong if you are committed to each other to do such a thing. But one should also understand why it is happening rather than accusing that person and holding him or her guilty on a knife. In my healing journey, I have come across such couples and majority of the times there have been some serious concerns in the relationship which are left unaddressed and they fall apart from each other going astray. They do not do wrong things out of choice or for fun.


We need to learn to respect every person's thought and action as I said unless the person goes against the laws of nature. The law of the nature is that we all have a right to live and the right to happiness without harming anyone and when one tries to take that away from us then that's going against the law of nature.

It is important that we stop judging one another and be in a state of neutrality. Life will be so much peaceful then. I believe that when we live our life with compassion towards each other we bring in harmony in life. At the end of the day, we are all different and yet so connected with each other.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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