Gratitude is a Powerful Tool

in psychology •  last year 

Ever wondered why some people are always so miserable and grumpy in life despite of having everything in life. They may have everything that they want but yet never be happy and they will always be complaining even after life offering them all that they want. These are the people who are never Grateful for what they have in life and for what the Universe has blessed them with. Whereas there are some people who even after having very little in life are always very joyful and contended. They are appreciating and happy with their life.

When you do not have the capacity to count your blessings, then you will also lose the ability to feel happy in life. The moment we start realizing how much we have in our life and all the gifts of life that the Universe has given to us, the feeling of Gratefulness will come within, and we realized that we have so many blessings for us.


We look at others and envy their positions, their growth but we do not look at our own-self and understand what all we too have to be grateful about. Some people never look at the less fortunate ones then themselves to make that comparison as well. They only want to look up and compare. They want to look at the parts that are missing, rather than looking at the parts that are whole and abundant.

The moment we come in to the Gratitude feeling, even the most trying circumstances ease out for us and ways automatically open up to deal with our circumstances. That's the power of Gratitude that the Universe offers. Being humans, it is natural to have low feelings at times, but one must never be ungrateful and not appreciate all the gifts of life that he or she holds.

Living in grudges, hatred, envy, competition to run down others are all signs of an Ungrateful person. If one is an ungrateful person, then no matter whatever they achieve in life, they will always find some or the other reason to complain about, they will always live in a state of lacking rather than in a state of abundance. Being contended and appreciating what we have are signs of a person with a healthy emotional and mental state. This person will always live in a state of Abundance even if they have limited resources. They will always be happy and you will feel that energy around them. You will like being around them.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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