Live for ever

in psychology •  4 years ago 

Living forever is not enough, but living fully is everything. By @lanzjoseg



Living forever can be taken philosophically speaking, every being has a life cycle, but the human being as such competes against this life cycle, and as a human he somehow simply does not want to die physically.

It is well known that some animals like a worm only live 14 days, and others can live 50 years and other animals according to studies can live more than 100 years, and scientifically proven that some trees can live up to more than 200 and 5000 thousand years.

Life expectancy

Until a few years ago, life expectancy did not exceed 40 years, then that number began to increase. But we, people like you and me, our life is finite but from that life expectancy the human began to change many things and inventions began to extend our life expectancy, improvements in science and even in education totally changed. for the good of all.

Difference of some with respect to others.

We can live up to about 72 years, however, those who manage to reach that age, according to studies, can reach an average of 75 to 80 years. But what is needed to reach that age so that you, a normal person and I, a normal person, achieve that longevity, which differentiates us from one with respect to the other, because some live longer than others, there are many questions that I sometimes ask myself. However, we have to be very sure is that we will all grow old or at least we will try.

Get older.

I know that there may be factors that prevent us from getting old and many times they are strictly diseases or other factors but in most cases they are diseases despite the scientific advances that manage to extend our lives, many times aging leads to loss of vision , hearing muscles weaken blood pressure increases and pulse decreases but one of the worst things that old age can bring is that our brain loses lucidity and we have a tendency to forget things, honestly that is terrible for anyone.

Our visible physical aging.

Turning year is a way of knowing that we are aging in our chronological age, however that does not make us older, by changing our bad habits regarding our diet and physical activities we can make a big difference with respect to our visible physical age. because the appearance can get to confuse in the sense of our life.

Aging the risk of dying.

Our physical appearance in the midst of aging can also denote how we are or how we can feel internally.We should all know that as we age, the risk of dying from a chronic disease increases, in that sense we must try to take care of ourselves much more while we are young, old age always It will triple any type of disease by multiplying the risk of dying.

The advice that some adults who have managed to live a long time can give will always be well received. These tips can change in some way our way of aging, all this I am saying is thanks to some conversations that I have managed to have with some grandparents who live in the urbanization. Where I live, one of them is 79 years old and the other 81, both confirm that the factors that changed in his life are diet and physical and mental activity, of course they mention that to achieve that you must have a lot of will power.

My grandmother lived to 86 years and my grandfather lived to 80 years but they did their best to live as long as they wanted, living forever is not enough but living fully is everything.

How long you want to live or how long you will allow yourself to live.

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"In constant evolution".

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