in proposals •  3 years ago 

First, I want to thank everyone who has been supportive. A special thank you to so many of you who have rallied around me behind the scenes. Bringing awareness to a highly organized corrupt power structure with clear elements of satanism and pedophilia has been no easy task. The plan all along was to walk away from hive after my first post you can see here; but soon after posting this, it became clear that we were dealing with something far more organized and corrupt than we first thought.

The Response

To raise awareness I posted the information across the three main forked blockchains. Steemit, Blurt, and Hive as well as various other places online. The reactions on each blockchain were totally different as expected. Here on hive, the "cabal" filled the page with discrediting attacks on me, which was totally to be expected. While anyone with a supporting view of me would have the spotlight and 60,000,000 + combined downvote power looking right at them. Total suicide to speak in favor of me on hive, given the power structure. Frankly it's a perfect example of how Hive is clearly not a free speech platform.

Another attack from the "cabal" was to convince readers that I wasted my time. In other words I spent time, money, and energy for nothing. This could not be further from the truth. Numerous large investors and leaders of communities on Hive and elsewhere have privately reached out to me and thanked me for sharing this information. I don't know the exact numbers, but I do know well over a million Hive is powering down and moving to Blurt as well as other investment money. These investors will encourage others to do the same.

The reaction to the last info drop on Steemit was very interesting. Not a single comment, but the number one and the number two witnesses on Steemit resteemed the post. If that doesn't speak volumes then I don't now what does. So, we know the information has made it to all the most powerful people over there.

Finally we have Blurt, proven to be a true free speech platform. Frankly the founders understood the downvote button would be used as a source of manipulation and control, so they forked the steemit blockchain in July of 2020 with no down-vote button. This is why Blurt has true freedom of speech. You can say what you want without fear of your rewards getting wiped out at the will of an opposing view, with a lot of money backing it.

The reaction on blurt was quite remarkable, especially on the last two posts which you can read the comments here and here. The amount of support and understanding was frankly surprising for such an ugly subject. Blurt has a growing community of all sorts of people, but some of the prominent members were some of the best and most successful bloggers on Hive! They were too successful, positive, and influential, and a drag on "their" reward pool. So they were attacked on Hive and each have their own story of abuse and level of awareness of this highly organized "cabal".

A Reflection of Society

So much of the power structure on hive resembles the world today. If you go from country to country like I have my entire adult life the common similarity among most places is that the vast majority of the population is made up of good normal people, just trying to make a living, support their families, and live a peaceful life. Then the governments running the countries are beyond corrupt.

That is exactly what we have here on Hive. A large population of good hive members under the rule of a corrupt highly organized network with elements of satanism and pedophilia. They have a down vote button to maintain total control and power. So I will not be investing here, but yes....I will continue doing my travel blog here.

Steemit has a down-vote button that is also being used to censor and abuse. I know this to be a fact because the Hivewatcher's @spaminator and @steemcleaners have accounts on steemit and down voted me there too and all but destroyed my blog there as well. Further more Steem has a blemished reputation in regards to the hive fork, accounts being frozen, and rumors of ties to the Chinese Communist Party. However that's a whole lot better than satanic pedophiles running the show.

Let's not forget that it's not outside the jurisdiction for the "Hive Cabal" to use fear tactics like death threats as they did to their opposition during the steemit debacle. That being said I'm not going to run from Satanist into the arms of the CCP. I will not be investing in steemit, but yes....I will continue doing my travel blog there.

Is Blurt the Answer?

Blurt seems to be the natural beneficiary to all this madness and frankly comes out smelling like a rose. With basically no organized power structure, a price so cheap that anyone with a little cash can immediately become a dolphin or whale, and no down vote button to be used as a control mechanism. Blurt has huge growth potential as it's still in it's infancy, but I know for a fact that lots of money, energy, and marketing is currently being organized to put blurt on the next level and beyond.

In fact the hive "cabal" are fully aware that their biggest threat and competition is Blurt. The same group that death threatens their opposition on steemit, must be top suspect in an incredibly insidious attack on the Blurt blockchain upon start up. Not only does the "Hive Cabal" have the motivation to do this, they also have the know how. Now check this out from a recent postfrom one of the lead developers on Blurt.

Unbelievable what this group has gotten away with for so long. Now, I've been socially active on Blurt for a couple weeks, and so far my experience is that the people there are warm, friendly, and highly intelligent. There is no weird demon pedo crap going on there. There is no bad reputation. It's clean, it's friendly, it's cheap, and it's ready for mega growth.

So, yes I am investing there, doing promotion for Blurt, and will be doing my travel blog there as well. I will also consider starting a witness with the goal to maintain blurt a clean and decentralized free speech platform.

The Devil is in the Details

Since dealing with all this weird demon stuff, I've had to pay very close attention to details. I'll tell you this, I really like the name blurt based on the definition and when you look at it side by side next to hive's definition it really says a lot. Have a look from thefreedictionary.com

The Number Four

Not to take the attention away from the "Hive Satanic Cabal" in my last post, and how their powerdown is 13 weeks, the number of death. I found it striking that one of the first things Steemit did after the hive split was change the power down to a far more reasonable four weeks. Blurt also has their power down set at a reasonable four weeks. Then you look up the meaning of the number four and this is what you get.

Thank You

This has been a wild ride to say the least. In some ways I must thank the Hive Cabal as it could not have been done without their help. They've abused and run off so many good, smart, hardworking people that they unknowingly shot themselves in the foot; setting off a chain reaction that is frankly bad for Hive and extremely good for Blurt.

In fact anyone looking to power down their Hive and convert it to Blurt contact Trade-n-Travel#8643 on discord and he will give you a "thirteen week rescue delegation" of four times the amount of blurt than your entire hive power down, up to 100,000 Blurt.

A great a deal if you ask me, especially with the growth potential. Bring your whole community, the real money to be made is on the investment side of the blockchain and the "hive cabal" is well aware of that. The price is extra low as there has been added selling pressure lately as the divide ensues. The weak hands sell into long term holds and I'm sure the price will soon rebound nicely.

This is the last post with a tag wall. I found this information to be so vital that I went with the tag wall. My apologies for those who wish I had not. This is just a final update post on the results of my efforts and where the momentum is heading. I'm looking forward to getting my name and my blog somewhere back to normal and moving forward in a positive light. Thanks again to all who have supported me during this difficult and challenging time.

@eastmael @double-u @saboin @megadrive @zahidsun @gamer0815 @tekraze @symbionts @busbecq @techcoderx @blurtlatam @blurthispano @freakeao @kentzz001 @ilnegro @imransoudagar @ionomy @cosmicboy123 @kamranrkploy @jakeminlim @opfergnome @etainclub @blokfield @alejos7ven @actifit @contrabourdon @michelangelo3 @nelkeljdm @hornet-on-tour @blurtlive @bestkizito @frankbacon @instablurt @mmmmkkkk311 @nabeeel @offgridlife @rycharde @tekraze @

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Glad you had some effect behind the scenes.
I would have gone for a different angle, but that work had been done maybe 2 or 3 years ago, and with seemingly little effect - just good to know.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh thank you! Yes, the effect will take some time to play out. But just getting Blurts name out there is huge. You'd be surprised how many never even heard of blurt, like myself. I literally did not know blurt exhisted just two months ago. Since then @trade-n-travel account has bought half a million blurt and there will be more like him coming online. It's almost a perfect time for those who want out of blurt to be selling right now, so those coming in with fresh new energy are able to get in on a discount. Thanks for supporting my efforts and I look forward to taking my blog in a direction that is both positive and a blurt advertising machine. I suggest others do the same.

Also following, and supporting your witness. Keep up the great work!

I really didn't know it existed till maybe 3- 4 months ago when @offgridlife told me about it, he got A LOT of ppl here.

I wonder what he thinks of my expose. The problem with me blowing up the hive cabal's spot, is that it's fairly difficult to get a good read on the outcome as there is so much at stake here for each individual if they come out against hive. Especially those still earning there. I have total respect for those who choose to remain silent on the issue, but I can't help wondering what a lot of people think who really just can't talk about it publicly. But yes, I'm a big fan of @offgridlife. I've looked over his blog, highly intelligent, and ahead of the curve. He's been a big asset for growing Blurt and another great example of how to do exactly that.

Well everybody has to get to that point themselves I was in that point to where I didn’t really want to pull the plug and I was just trying not to upset the applecart at periods but for me it just became horrific to live like that and just impossible so I had no choice but to leave and play definitely helps with that because it offers another option. I mean a lot of those people say they don’t care about the money right LOL at least I’ve always been honest and said I want to earn money and be part of a community. But I would rather no money to be part of a corrupt community and not be able to speak my truth or stand up for the people being bullied.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

or stand up for the people being bullied.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I smell opportunities


But I would rather no money to be part of a corrupt community and not be able to speak my truth or stand up for the people being bullied.

Sorry for the late reply, needed a little digital detox, I'm sure you've been there....but yes, after learning who they are and what they are into I have no desire to be associated with Hive in any way other than to advertise blurt there. It's rotten to the core. Looking forward to taking things slow now, and getting back to normal and watching Blurt Grow. I think a year from now things will be much bigger and better here. This whole investigation into their creepy network was super heavy, but like many of us....they came to me, I did not go to them.

Anyway...looking forward to moving forward, but at least more people are aware of what we are dealing with in regards to Hive.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

HIVE is the house market in 2008

Now we're at the Zero Point.

single handedly I might add, I think he is the love blurt profile

my intuition when I first saw the powerdows was that it'll hit 0.015 then go back up, so it's there and time is literally about to tell if I am right haha there are still ppl powering down but maybe you can bring some buyers in. I am better at signing crypto newbies but good bloggers up rly

I honestly only regret one thing... not finding blurt and not leaving hive sooner. Other than that everything is as it should be. I don't even care what happens to the price here although I hope it rises but I LOVE it here. I feel safe finally to really promote it and stand behind it and get my friends over here. People might call it basic but I think it's a bonus it's easy to use etc my friends mostly struggled to understand all the elements on steemit, this one is just what you see is what you get.

I love your message! You are a real asset to the Blurt community. You also inspire me to be proactive on making blurt grow and getting the word out, especially now that my "expose" is finished.

promoting it is good for us all though I want blurt to grow for myself and for others.

I just feel it's something that I can get behind and it feels light energy here. Who knows if things will change but I feel comfortable promoting it. I have so many friends and connections, many thousands who are freelance/ making content anyways. It can be a bit of a push but I am slowly trying to just get them over here. I think a lot found the others too complicated or hard to get started on but I think blurt is really easy for new people and it's simplicity really helps too. I am still shadow banned right now lol but when I come out more will see it I think haha

That is really great. I think blurt promotion and growth needs to be forefront everyone's mind here at moment.

truly If people have the guts to go in and share it around that helps because thats how I find it when offgridlife told me about it, I was straight here as you already have an account too signing new ppl up is a bit harder but also needed as they have to be able to use the crypto etc.

I have signed a few ppl up myself and just started their accounts for them, I think perhaps we could try and make it go viral on tik Tok like doge did. I just signed up to tik Tok and getting like 1000 view s on things in one day seems to be easy to get activity

I’m using the voice to type so sorry for any mistakes in advance I just really struggle tapping on my iPad. So I really think we should all try and hit tick-tock up. I’ve only been on there a day and some of my videos are already getting 1000 views and let’s be honest these people took doge coin up from three cents to $.70 in a short amount of time. I’m wondering if we can get it trending on there. Some kind of competition seems to go down well. I know it will bring in an influx of influencers but can beggars be choosers?

Wow, that is amazing. I don't think tik-tok videos is my thing but if you can do it well, that is great. Maybe my specialty is running across hive enemy lines and getting the word out over there! hahaha

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

But I just put pictures of my art with some effects over the top so they become videos and my plant meditations I haven’t even gone on anyone else’s stuff because the homepage made me lose 10 brain cells instantly LOL

But yeah we each got our jobs 😅

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

s soon as the price goes up here everyone will be here, lets be honest 60 percent of people just stay silent because they want the payouts, as soon as they can get as much AND be free it'll become a none brainer and this place will be booming, might take another year I dunno. Guess none of us know the future even us psychics as things are fluid. Till then we have the chance to get ahead here so that we have a decent stake to support people and thrive ourselves.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your praises of Blurt, it was formed after both Jacob and myself were cast out of the “secret Slack” on Hive, Jacob for merely being associated with David Jeffreys and myself for… get this being a victim of Bernie’s (Ngc) constant bullying because of disagreements with things like not nuking the Asian accounts, so instead of throwing out the bully the throw out the victim lool.

Have a look at this YT video regarding downvotes

There are some nice people on hive, I vote the good ones with my @thecryptodrive witness.

I also was in the inner circle for over three years and didnt detect anything satanic or paedo related, just some really mean and grumpy.

Honestly, I never heard of blurt, you, or Jacob until a couple months ago. I was just enjoying doing my blog, earning, and socializing on hive/steemit for 5 years. But when they came for me, attacking my blog relentlessly; I could not walk away without understanding what's been going on.

Since then I've taken on this research and investigation roll, I've suddenly become an expert in hive politics....the last thing I set out to become when I joined five years ago.

Happy go lucky travel blogger turns hive politician. It's almost like some strange comedy.

That being said, it's totally okay to disagree on the satanic pedo crap and how high up the chain it goes. Frankly I'm relieved to hear you say you did not detect anything like that. But to me it's clear that there is an element of that going on with-in their network.

Being cast out of that group, I'd wear it like a badge of honor. Further more, I must congratulate both you and Jacob for having the confidence and bravery to not fold to their pressure and successfully make a break away chain here with Blurt. You've created it with the correct recipe and ingredients for it to succeed which just shows the level of intelligence you guys are working on. Great news for everyone here.

With no installed source of abuse (down-vote button) and no organized power network, Blurt just needs promotion and it will grow immensely. This is why I want to thank you for not shrugging off my efforts here as some lunatic with a vendetta.

The clarity in which I now see the playing field is an asset to blurt. Having heard stories from now you, as well as so many others I see why blurt is only .015 cents when it should most certainly be at least 10 cents and growing.

I have a business and financial background as well as some excellent contacts. Along with my friend @trade-n-travel and others that we are currently on-boarding. We plan to be a proactive force in getting the word out about blurt. Your support of our efforts going forward would be greatly appreciated. Several promotion campaigns are currently in the works as well as onboarding an awarding winning top digital marketer out of the United States.

Thank you again for your kind words and I look forward to sharing some good news as the weeks progress.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes there is no need to hold grudges, the best way to overcome is to just build better with humans in mind. Leave behind the pain you experienced and focus on the future, Blurt is a fantastic opportunity to buy low and help build it up with your network as you said in your comment. If everyone understood that Blurt is not just a place for rewards it is a community that needs to be built by each one of us chipping in and giving back as much value as is received.

Please tag me in future marketing efforts.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I didn't comment on your Hive posts because I've had enough of being attacked by the cabal - my Hive account is black listed anyway so I have nothing to lose, but interacting with those wankers is just a bad vibe.

But yes, I think you nailed the whole thing, and your posts were the final straw for Hive. Blurt is likely to get a big boost from your support.

Honestly, you are the man! You made much of this happen totally without your knowing. The expose of the hive cabal was going to happen regardless, but in terms of Blurt, the ONLY reason I know about blurt was because of this comment on the initial post about hive watchers and their abuse two months ago.

This should be an example of how simple it is to bring people over to blurt. It just takes a well placed comment and it can have a domino effect on levels no one would ever imagine. It took courage to mention blurt on "their" site knowing you'd get attacked for it. So I thank you sincerely for standing up and doing it anyway. I only wish for this to set an example of one effective method in how to successfully grow out Blurt; I only hope more people here follow in this way.

I for one will be cross posting my travel content across the three platforms, advertising Blurt in the footer and commenting about blurt on Hive and Steemit when I see the opportunity like @frot did. Imagine if everyone did that, what kind of effect would it have on the price and growth of blurt?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It this point I think the price of Blurt is being attacked by the Hive cabal - they get around! - but their powers here are limited so hopefully they won't be able to keep it down indefinitely

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I agree about the selling. Their power here is limited. I also have to thank you for mentioning blurt in @world-travel-pro's first info post. @trade-n-travel and myself were going to invest in hive and start posting on hive, but saw this post with your comment and chose Blurt instead. So thank you for that, and keep spreading the word about Blurt!

honestly yo made the right decision, don't get me wrong the hive payouts could be good at times but it wasn't worth the energy, especially if your spiritual/sensitive / more open. Just logging in you could feel it. It was incredibly toxic and draining and down right negative. I even tried a few times cause I had spent so many years building just thinking I'll put my head down, blog and just not get involved in anything but then they come find you to start some drama, or you see someone you are connected to getting bullied and taken to 0 etc. It rly was the worst of the worst but had a weird way of bread crumbing you to stay for a while and stay not speaking out just by giving you enough little breadcrumbs to not want to stand up for anyone and get punished for it. I just can't watch other people getting bullied like that though so generally always stepped in to support them and got my dose of 'punishment'

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, real bad energy there. @world-travel-pro did a great job of showing us what they are all about.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They really spend MUCH more time inflating HIVE and especially HBD...
Anyone I show this to sees HIVE as extremely centralized and extremely manipulated by some guys who should be visited by Feds and explain their ponzi ...

I have no problem with the Crypto, but there are a half dozen witnesses who are involved that need to go away for HIVE to be considered legit. ... It's far less legit than STEEM ATM and the earlier lawsuit will have an effect on both chains.

BLURT made the right call and it's best to start community from here 🖖😎🥓👍

Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 7.46.10 AM.png

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I was actually wondering if the people powering down were connected I think a couple are still on hive. Thats a total guess though no real idea.

I am EXACTLY the same as you frot I won't even log onto that site anymore other than the wallet to finish power down, it's why I couldn't just roll on on vyb as I tried to do that and ignore main site but then you have to check back for something and it just kept the bad energy going. I also realised I was still really keeping money going to that circle by doing so. I think most of us here have already had a few final arguments there and that is why we just couldn't spend the energy engaging on another but I think we all go through a similar cycle lol. I would honestly rather earn like 1/1000th other places than deal with that negative energy.

the couple of times I have logged back in for my wallet though recently I notice only the same maybe 10 ppl on that front page earning decent amounts I don't know what's going on but something isn't looking right there, I didn't explore any further.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I found taking the piss out 'them' for their low IQ, the most satisfying...
Low hanging fruit ?...yeah... who cares....(I had 10 months of the same debacle)

It's better on blurt !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great to see you here.. I know Blurt is the best choice. I wasn't in Hive.. But I have seen things happen there. For me... I am thinking Blurt is the best place for free speech. And also Blurt has the best friendly environment.

Agree 100%. Thank you for being so welcoming to me here. After my lack of "positivity" in some people's view I'm honestly not sure how welcome I am here in general. So I thank you again for your kind words and support, and yes Blurt is the clear winner between the platforms, far superior in terms of friendly environment and free speech.

Following and supporting your witness.

Keep up the great work!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

The most important thing is the price of blurt.. Anyone who wish to invest some dollars may be able to be a whale and The power will be distributed a lot compared to other platforms.

Thank you for your witness vote too.

yeah I actually think its not a bad thing these big ppl are selling because I would rather it was spread out amongs everyone a bit more but it obviously hasn't been great for the price.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think it’s better if people just move on and try to make Blurt or wherever they go a positive experience. We have had too many years of negative thoughts. Too much negative infighting, downvoting, envy, jealousy and anger and ugliness. There is lots still good in the World. How about we concentrate on that ??? How about we make Blurt a nice place to be ? #blurtlove

☮️ ✌️ ❤️

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


It’s time to move on.

this is what I made the pact with myself to do, time spent arguing is time wasted productively making this place AMAZING

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I agree, Arguing is a total waste of time. That is why I just dropped information reports. I never got into any quagmire type arguments with anyone during this entire expose. All of my reports were written to the normal viewer as my target audience even many of my replies say "note to viewer".

Everything was done in a way to avoid argument while focusing on raising awareness of a corrupt system, this is extremely productive and positive in so many ways. Because of this post and the entire expose A LOT of other people too now know about blurt.

But yes, now that the hard work is over, I'm looking forward to focusing help blurt be an amazing and successful place. I think one of the biggest problems with blurt, is that so many people on hive and steemit never even heard of it. Like you said, I too only wish I found this place sooner as well.

And in all sincerity thank you for taking the time to read and comment and share your story and support like you have. It's been greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to moving forward in a very productive positive way too now. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I agree it's good to be positive and move on, but people should know what they are moving on from.

So to almost suggest we all look the other way I find odd.

Should I have not shared the results of the investigation into the hive power structure, cause it's not a positive subject?

Should I not advertise blurt on the footer of my future travel posts on hive because it may look controversial?

Should I ignore this comment from @steemchiller top witness on steemit and only focus on the positive?

I would really like for someone to address this image, who and why it was chosen, and for it to please be changed.

As far as being positive, I believe what I've done may have been the most positive thing to happen for Blurt in a while. I'm surprised you do not see it that way.

"negative infighting, downvoting, envy, jealousy and anger and ugliness."

For you to use these words to describe what I have done I also find totally odd. Where have I come across with envy, jealousy, anger, and ugliness? Where have I've gotten bogged down in argument and infighting?

All I did was share information. This was the result of a serious investigation and a lot of research and work. That is all.

If your main competition is an ax murderer, should we all just be positive and ignore that and talk about something else or does it make good business and moral sense to expose them?

If blurt wants to succeed. I suggest it find some testicular fortitude.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think it's incredible that you appear to get back to most everyone's comments with clear and concise wording... even if they don't reply.

Thank you Mr. Bacon. Much appreciated.

tag in @megadrive about image he is co founder, what is the symbology there out of interest?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

Nice pic! Very cool mate! 😎

Thank You! It's nice being a real person, instead of a wealthy creep hiding behind a cartoon demon face. lol