Lazy Gamer Gets Mass Information Overload

in propaganda •  3 years ago 

This is the kinda lame shite that tries to discredit one of the few sane voices that hasn't as yet been muzzled.

But the comments are the most revealing thing! I'm not sure I've ever seen 10x more comments than likes.

Lazy gamer was installed into the algorithm and doesn't know it. Crazy question- when was the last time your channel with under 9k subscribers was #3 on Google ? Does it happen a lot, or is this the first time... [Oceania 23]

"Trust the science"
Robert Malone: "mass formation psychosis"
"No not that science!" [Fauxklore]

The only thing these types of videos will achieve is, to drive more people towards the truth.
So let's thank this lazy gamer clown and continue to spread the word! [Ozzy Osbourne]

I never thought back in the nineties that giving dumb people a voice would be so problematic. [Guy Allanson] (oh, I did!)

strange how when I google Mattias Desmet THIS guy comes up at the top. THIS guy? seems legit, thanks google [Rob Atalick] (Goeggel, surely)

And they go on and on. Quite heart-warming really?

One algorithm to spread fear.
One algorithm to create the illusion of a virus.
One algorithm to enforce compliance.
And, one algorithm to shit in the swimming pool.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can't listen to him. Thank you for pointing out that this bozo is the top result when searching for Desmet. Very illuminating!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, sorry, was like listening to chalk on a board - all in the name of scientific experience to see what the other side is like.

Know thine enemy.

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You're right you can't see more comments than likes, I think that is impossible. Likes are always more.