Nothing is for Free, Everything has a Price.

in promotions •  2 years ago 

Everyday in my mail box I receive a minimum of 2 to 3 mailers with some or the other promotion. There are mailers of free gifts on buying something, and invariably there are mailers from Banks and Credit Cards, giving out all the possible promotions. Like I have been constantly receiving these emails on my Credit Card higher limits getting approved at no request or no additional cost. It is made exactly double from what it is now. I feel that if we do not have control then we can easily fall into these traps.

In reality there is no free meal, there is a hidden cost to everything that claims to be free. If there are promotions of buy 1 get 1 free, then the price of that one is increased, and I have seen this many times in the malls specially on clothes. The prices are increased and then there are discount tags put up, which makes one feel good that they are buying such expensive things at a lower value. Some years back I remember having a discussion with one person who had garment business and he had mentioned to me in those days the profit margin on the Garments he sold was 100%, and he was into the mid level brands. As of now, I do not know, because there have been changes in the tax and GST structure, but I guess there will still be a decent level of profit.

It is very well said that when something is offered free then you are the product. So yes, there can be free offers on things that are getting experimented. When something new is launched which requires experimenting then guinea pigs are required, and who better can they find then us foolish humans who fall for free deals so easily.
Sometime back I was at my local supermarket, a guy was doing some promotion there, he handed me a coupon saying it's a lucky draw and I need to just give my name and number. I refused and he insisted, so I filled it up. In a few days they call me up saying that I was selected for the lucky draw, and I had to visit their office attend a seminar and collect the voucher. Instantly I knew what it was. These are those scam deals, where they sell you some holiday packages for which you have to take some whopping membership.


I am not saying there are no good deals. Once in a while, yes, you do come across some genuinely good deals as well, but they are rare. When something is too good to be true then the alarm should be raised, because the fact is that in today's time no one is interested in doing charity. All companies and organizations want to maximize at people's cost, so when there are promotions and offers there is some thing behind it. Do you observe that majority of the times these schemes will have their T&C statement mentioned in such small writings that it will go unnoticed and when you fall into the trap that is the time they will highlight that T&C clause to you.

It's good to be safe and not fall for these traps. I always advise that if you do not get anything free it's ok, but you should not lose what you have to gain that free. When we buy something for a lesser value then what it is then somewhere we will compromise on the quality for sure. For some it may be ok and they may even do it knowingly, as far as it's a informed decision it is good, but it should not be a decision where later you regret about it.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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