How Do Not Disturb Day Can Improve Your Productivity?

in productivity •  4 years ago 

Have you ever wondered how do not disturb a day can improve your productivity? Do you feel that you are being strangled by the many laws that are enforced in every workplace in the country? The main reason for this is that employees are working hard to make sure that you are able to go about your daily business without having to deal with distractions that take away from the flow of work.

Office life is supposed to be a stress-free affair where people can get on with their lives and not have to answer phone calls or emails at all times. Unfortunately, the way people have been socialized and brought up has changed. There has been the introduction of a lot of communication aids like text messages, internet, and email and this is causing problems with the way employees are used to doing things in the office.

A lot of the people who work in the office environment are very much used to having distractions all of the time. The fact is that it is a good thing that this has happened as we could get very easily distracted if things are left unsupervised. We would rather deal with it if we were given a little help to deal with it. This is where the concept of the no-troubleshoot rule comes in.

In order to have an office that is free from distraction, you must ensure that your employees know what to do when the need arises. It will not help to have everyone on a call at all times because then they will have to carry on with whatever they are doing and not be able to focus. If there is a specific problem that needs solving they will know exactly what to do and then they will not be tempted to give the problem away to someone else as they will know that you will deal with it.

You should also ensure that there is a certain number of different types of phones that are available within your office. You may have a mobile phone, a home phone, and even a fax machine. Having all of these types of phones in one place ensures that employees do not need to worry about having to stop what they are doing in order to answer a call or an email.

Finally, you should make sure that you are not distracting your employees when they are working in the office. When you make a point of having enough workspace and ensuring that there is enough light in the office then this will allow your employees to be able to concentrate on the task at hand.

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